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Interludes in Suldenessellar - Chapter 2.6

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#1 Guest_VigaHrolf_*

Posted 17 May 2004 - 04:24 PM

Author's Note: Viga and his companions awoke this morning to discover that they were in different bodies than they went to sleep in. It took some doing, but everyone has been made fully aware of the situation, although with some surprising and amusing results. Now, as Aerie helps Minsc dress, the Viga, Jaheira, Keldorn and Imoen are beginning the search for answers. Our story continues... now!

Naming convention: Viga/Jaheira means Viga in Jaheira's body.

Disclaimers: Standard

Reaching the bottom floor, they dragged the chairs and ottomans in the sitting room into a rough circle to hold council. Resting ‘his’ arms on the chair top ‘he’ straddled, Viga/Jaheira took a moment to look at his companions. Seeing the little idiosyncrasies of his friends that he normally found so comforting showing up on the wrong bodies was extremely disturbing. Keldorn slouching and fidgeting with legs crossed and one foot idly kicking in thought, while Imoen sat calmly, body completely still was very off putting. Worse was seeing his own body, sitting with arms tightly crossed and back ramrod straight, just like an irate Jaheira would. It was these little things that were starting to give him a terrific headache. Rubbing at ‘his’ temples, he said, “Alright, so does anyone have any idea how we ended up in each other’s bodies or how we get back?”

Tugging the front of ‘his’ black and gold tunic as he sat, Keldorn/Imoen pushed a hank of red hair out of ‘his’ eyes. Lips thin in annoyance, he said, “I tried to dispel the effect, but my own gifts to break magic’s hold do not seem to function.”

Imoen/Keldorn, now dressed in what had to be Keldorn’s most flamboyant clothes, a bright blue and silver jacket, cream shirt and dark pants, added, “And my spells are useless to me. I know them, they’re still here,” she said, pointing to ‘her’ silver maned head, “but when I try to cast, I get nothing. I guess, the knowledge is here with me while I get to be Mr. Shiny Bottom, but the magical energies themselves are in my body.”

Keldorn/Imoen snorted at the reference and rolled ‘his’ eyes. “It seems this is the case. It isn’t just my gifts from Torm or Imoen’s magics, Carsomyr rejected my hand… as well as Imoen’s. As strange of a thing it is to say, I think its confused as to who’s who.” The pain in admitting that he could not wield the Holy Avenger seemed to age Imoen’s face twenty years. Letting out a quick breath, he turned to Jaheira/Viga and asked, “Have you tried to use your powers as a druid?”

Jaheira/Viga shook her head in the negative and said, “No, but it is a worthy experiment.”

Getting up, she walked to one of the side tables where a bouquet of fresh flowers rested in a vase. Resting ‘her’ fingers gently on the stems, she stared intently at them, focusing her will. After a long minute, she pulled her hand back and grumbled, “I seemed to be balked as effectively as the rest of you.”

“So, we’re all blocked from our powers. And from fighting with Minsc in Aerie’s form, I’d say that our combat reflexes are suffering from that same disconnect. I know I still know how to fight, but I’m used to fighting as well, myself. Not as a druidess.” Viga/Jaheira added, rubbing ‘his’ still sore shoulder.

Jaheira/Viga nodded with a slight grimace. “Indeed. However,” she paused in thought, “Minsc was in full battle rage when we confronted him.”

Viga/Jaheira nodded in agreement but Imoen/Keldorn cut off his response. “Maybe.. maybe Minsc’s battle rage isn’t physical, just a mental thing. You know, just getting yourself all insanely mad and kinda blowing your top.”

Viga/Jaheira nodded again. “Probably right about that sis. And don’t take this the wrong way, but its just disturbing to look at Keldorn’s face and think ‘sister.’”

Imoen/Keldorn turned to look at her brother, cocked a graying eyebrow and replied, “Can’t be any weirder than actually being in Keldorn’s body, Viga. Or looking at you and seeing Jah staring back.”

Keldorn/Imoen interjected, his tone short. “Look, we’ve already established that these are strange circumstances. Shall we focus on a way to restore ourselves instead of simply talking about how strange it might be?”

“Point taken, Keldorn. We can worry about how weird it is after we figure out how to get back.” As Viga/Jaheira finished, Aerie/Minsc and Minsc/Aerie joined them from upstairs. Once again, Viga/Jaheira was struck by the disturbing incongruity of seeing the body of one person but watching them act like another. With Aerie and Minsc, the difference could not have been clearer. Aerie/Minsc, dressed in a simple green tunic and gray trousers, moved with great restraint as if trying to take up less space. Each step she took was placed with a delicateness not usually seen from the big ranger.

In stark contrast, Minsc/Aerie moved with none of the grace one was accustomed to seeing in the slight elf. He bounded down the stairs with arms swinging wide and blonde tresses flying about. Seeing Aerie in something other than her usual robes only compounded the strangeness. Instead of robes, Aerie had dressed Minsc/Aerie in a loose fitting grey tunic and dark pants. Where Aerie had found it, Viga/Jaheira didn’t know, but he had to admit it seemed the wisest thing for her to do. Getting Minsc into robes or dresses was probably not the most time efficient thing to do, if it could even be done.

Nodding to the both of them, he waved for them to draw up chairs. When they joined the circle, Viga/Jaheira asked, “So, does any one have any ideas on what actually did this?”

No one immediately ventured a guess. Minsc/Aerie rumbled, a strange sound considering the elf’s much higher voice, “Boo is not sure what kind of magic did this to us, but Boo is not so knowledgeable about magic.”

Viga/Jaheira cracked a slight smile. “No, I suppose Boo isn’t so knowledgeable about magic. Hamsters, even miniature giant space hamsters, have little use for it.” An eyebrow lifted speculatively, “By the way, where is Boo?”

He saw Aerie/Minsc sigh as Minsc/Aerie tugged at the neckline of ‘his’ tunic. A small fuzzy head popped up from ‘his’ cleavage as he explained, “Boo is right here! He was confused as to who is Minsc and who is Aerie, but I explained it for him. And he says that his new resting spot is very comfortable and soft.”

Aerie/Minsc audibly groaned as the others did their best to stifle their amusement. Imoen/Keldorn, sides shaking from contained mirth, asked, “Boo says it is a comfortable and soft resting spot?”

Minsc/Aerie nodded sagely, saying, “Yes, Boo says that breasts make lovely pillows. All warm and comfy.”

Imoen/Keldorn bit ‘her’ lip and then fell into a fit of coughing as she strangled her mirth. The others were doing their best to control themselves while Aerie/Minsc swept the room with an icy glare. Unable to resist, Imoen/Keldorn asked, “Comfy huh?”

“Oh yes, very comfy. Although I will admit, when Boo scurries about, it does make Minsc feel kind of strange.”

Aerie/Minsc’s face flushed the shade of the tattoos that adorned it as many of the companions lost their battle against laughter. Viga/Jaheira wasn’t entirely sure if the coloration was from embarrassment or anger, but which ever it was, he didn’t want to gamble on the off chance that berserker strength might not just be a mental discipline. He needed to redirect the conversation as quickly as he could.

Stifling his growing amusement, he gave Aerie/Minsc a sympathetic look and choked out, “Okay Minsc, thanks for sharing. But we still aren’t closer to an explanation as to why we’re where we are. Aerie, you know more about mystical forces than pretty much anyone I’ve ever met, any thoughts?”

The strategically placed compliment worked as planned, taking Aerie/Minsc a little off guard and allowing the rising red river of rage to abate. Blinking twice, Aerie/Minsc turned to look at Viga/Jaheira and took. “I… I… am not sure, Viga, but my best guess would be the silver ball that went off last night. At.. at least it is the most logical place to start.”

Aerie/Minsc’s statement was met by five questioning stares. The others looked at each other speculatively, and then turned their attention back to the elf priestess masquerading as a barbarian. Imoen/Keldorn, voice laden with confusion, asked, “Aerie, um, what silver ball are you talking about?”

Now it was Aerie/Minsc’s turn to look baffled. Turning from face to face, she asked concernedly, “The.. the silver ball? D.. d.. don’t you remember? Imoen brought it in last night? And it went off in a big flash of yellow light and knocked us all over?” Looking from blankly confused face to blankly confused face, she asked, her concern now evident, “Y..you do remember it, right?”

Jaheira/Viga’s brows knitted as she struggled with her memory while Viga/Jaheira replied, “Aerie, you know, I think I would remember something like that. Big flashes of light, these are the kind of things a guy remembers. Especially if they happen right in front of you. Are you sure that you saw them?”

Aerie/Minsc looked right into Viga/Jaheira’s green eyes and answered with complete certainty. “Yes. Absolutely.”

He looked to the others and didn’t see any confirmation on anyone else’s face. Imoen, Keldorn, and Minsc all shook their heads negatively. Turning back to Aerie/Minsc, he asked, “Are you positive? None of us remember it. Maybe your memory of the light is an artifact of the spell.”

Leaping out of her chair, Aerie/Minsc strode into the dining room and pointed at the silver ball still sitting in the middle of the table. Her voice tinged with desperation, she shouted, “Th.. this silver ball. You are trying to tell me that you don’t remember this silver ball? Imoen, you brought it in. You found it, and you don’t remember it?”

Looking contrite and sounding concerned, Imoen/Keldorn answered, “I wish I did Aerie, but honestly, I don’t.”

“D..don’t any of you?”

Keldorn/Imoen said, “On my honor as a knight, I do not remember any such thing.”

Jaheira/Viga, brows still crinkled in concentration interjected, “But.. but I think I do remember something. Imoen… Imoen was late and flourished something… probably that silver ball. Then bright light, but more than that… I can’t be certain”

Looking relieved Aerie/Minsc sighed, “So you did see something Jaheira.”

“Yes,” she said, still sounding uncertain. “I suppose I did.”

Getting out of his seat, Viga/Jaheira asked, “You remember it Aerie, and Jah, you kind of remember it, right? But the rest of us don’t. This makes no sense.”

Imoen/Keldorn sprang out of her chair, grimacing slightly as ‘her’ older joints complained about the rapid movement. Striding over to the table and looking at the silver ball that rested there, she said half to herself, “Maybe it does make sense… maybe it does.”

Aerie/Minsc turned to look at what Imoen/Keldorn was staring at as the others joined the two ‘women’ around the table. Peering at the silver ball herself, Aerie/Keldorn asked, “Wha..what do you mean Immy?”

Imoen/Keldorn replied, her voice distant sounding as her mind worked on the facts. The effect was odd, hearing it with Keldorn’s deeper voice. “Think about it Aerie, elven script, elven artifact….”

Aerie/Minsc snapped her fingers, “A..and only Jaheira and I remember the effect. I remember it clearly while Jaheira’s recollection is muddy…”

Imoen/Keldorn looked up, a knowing smile cracking ‘her’ weathered face, “And you are a full blood elf, while Jah is only half. So this thing was designed to work on elves and when it hit us humans, even us amazing part deities, we didn’t remember it. Kinda funny.”

Jaheira/Viga fixed Imoen/Keldorn with a look that Keldorn/Imoen quickly echoed. ‘Her’ mouth a thin, hard line, she said, “I fail to see the humor in this particular situation Imoen.”

Keldorn/Imoen added in a frosty tone that managed to sound more like him and less like the body he inhabited, “Indeed. The humor is lost on me as well, Imoen.”

Imoen/Keldorn’s shoulders tensed as she turned to face both of them. ‘Her’ lips thinned beneath ‘her’ goatee and she shot back, “I know its not funny. You see me laughing? You think I wanna be in Mr. Noble Knicker’s old, creaky, beat up body? Hells no.”

A flush began to rise in Keldorn/Imoen’s cheeks, but well schooled manners smothered any retort. Adopting a more conciliatory tone, he said, “And I would much prefer to be in my,” he paused, hanging a hopefully friendly smile on ‘his’ lips, “’old, creaky, beat up body’ as well. That may have been a reason for my tone, but it is no excuse for it. My apologies. Please, Imoen, continue with your theory.”

Keldorn/Imoen’s apology appeared to mollify Imoen/Keldorn, and the tension in ‘her’ shoulders began to ebb. Allowing herself just a small indignant huff for dramatic purposes, Imoen/Keldorn subconsciously dragged her fingers through ‘her’ silver hair and said, “Right. My theory. If the light that Aerie and Jaheira remember is responsible for all of this wacky body switching, than it must have only been designed to work on elves. Course, we don’t know if this,” she waved ‘her’ hands to include the others, “was the desired effect or if it’s the result of it going off in around a buncha other races.”

Jaheira/Viga grumbled, “Unless of course, this little trinket was damaged or malfunctioned. Unknown magic can be very dangerous..”

Whirling to face Jaheira/Viga, Imoen/Keldorn cut her off, “Look Jaheira I know, alright? I’ve heard the ‘Magic is Dangerous’ speech from pretty much everybody, kay? And if this little stupid ball is responsible, this mess is my fault. I get that. Why do you have to rub it in, huh?”

Jaheira/Viga’s eyes narrowed as she replied, “Because you still don’t seem to have learned that lesson yet, child.”

Imoen/Keldorn’s teeth ground as she glared bloody murder back at Jaheira/Viga. Face florid, she shouted, “I AM NOT A CHILD! I’m the same age as Viga, so stop calling me one!”

Jaheira/Viga’s voice turned to pure ice, “I will as soon as you stop acting like one.”

Taking a threatening step forward, Imoen/Keldorn growled, “What does that require? Beddin…”

The situation was rapidly spiraling out of control. Before things could degenerate to blows, Viga/Jaheira leapt between the two women as the others moved to restrain the antagonists. Glaring at both of them and desperately wishing he had his usual bulk instead of facing it down, he shouted, “BOTH OF YOU! QUIET!”

Both women stopped and glared at him instead. Which Viga/Jaheira counted as a significant improvement, if perhaps slightly more dangerous for him in his beloved’s less sturdy frame. Looking from Imoen/Keldorn to Jaheira/Viga, he said evenly, “Look, squabbling isn’t going to do a damn thing to get us back where we belong. So, let’s try and be reasonable here. We’re all under a hell of a lot of strain, I know I am. Let’s just cut each other a hell of a lot of extra slack and focus on fixing this problem instead of who’s to blame for it. It happened and we have to deal with the problem, no matter how angry we might be with Imoen,” he paused for effect, “If it even was the little silver sphere.”

Keldorn/Imoen and Aerie/Minsc voiced similar sentiments as the two women cooled off. Still looking at both of them, he asked, “So, can we just chalk this one up to you both having to deal with being stuck in men’s bodies and move along?”

Jaheira/Viga glared at him for a moment before her realization of just how her control had slipped registered. He saw the anger drain away, but Imoen/Keldorn did not relax so easily. Stepping closer to his sister, he rested ‘his’ hands on ‘her’ shoulders and said soothingly, “Immy. Immy, let’s get us all back in our bodies, okay? I need you for this sis.”

The tension seemed to ebb and Imoen/Keldorn took a deep breath. “You’re right bro.”

He realized an apology would be some time off, but at least the fight seemed over. “So, any idea on how to fix it?”

Scratching ‘her’ temple, Imoen/Keldorn replied, “I guess by deciphering the script on the ball. Except…”

“Except what Immy?”

“I don’t recognize the elven script. It looks like elven, but I don’t recognize the dialect.”

Turning to the big ranger, Viga/Jaheira asked, “How bout you, Aerie? Do you recognize the script?”

Aerie/Minsc took a moment to study the ball before replying. “S.. sort of. It looks familiar, but I’m not sure.”

“Can you two translate it?”

The two exchanged glances. Imoen/Keldorn nodded and said, “I think so. It‘ll take us a while, but I think with the language books we have, Aerie and I can get it.”

“Good. Get to work. The rest of us will leave you alone and let you focus.”

“Righto, braidhead.”

“Thanks sis,” replied Viga/Jaheira, rolling ‘his’ eyes at his sister’s new nickname for him.

Walking away from the dining room and the two mages he looked at the others. “Let’s leave em be. Hopefully they can tell us if this is the right trail, and what lays at its end.”

Viga/Jaheira headed for the stairs. Jaheira/Viga asked, “Where are you going?”

Viga/Jaheira turned to look at ‘himself’ “All the shouting, it’s given me a headache. I’m going to lie down.”

Jaheira/Viga took a step towards her lover but caught the look in ‘his’ eye. Stopping, she watched her own form tiredly ascend the steps without looking at the two men trapped in women’s bodies behind her.

Minsc/Aerie turned to look at Keldorn/Imoen, and asked, “Boo is wondering, what are we supposed to do?”

Keldorn/Imoen shrugged and replied tiredly, “I’m not sure, my friend. But what ever it is, I suggest we do it quietly.”

Looking at the form of Jaheira/Viga who stood still watching the stairs. “And Boo suggests that the garden might be a good place to do that.”

Nodding, Keldorn/Imoen replied, “Boo sometimes has very good ideas. I think this is one of them. Lead the way.”

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