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Hope Yet

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#1 Guest_Bibbi_*

Posted 21 March 2004 - 02:11 AM

They stumbled back to the elven encampment, exhausted from their battle with the vampire nest. The journey took twice as long, as Ajantis needed frequent breaks to set down his burden. No one complained, and they reached the camp footsore and weary.

Once again they were greeted with an escort which took them directly to Elhan. The general noted their shabby appearance with a raised eyebrow. “I take it you were successful?”

Jaheira nodded. “Bhodi is dead, though with much cost.”

“And you have the Rhynn Lanthorn?”

“Before we give it to you, I think we deserve some answers. Bhodi seemed to know you, or at least expect you to attack her. What is there that you’re not telling us? Why is Irenicus the Exile, and why is he attacking your city?”

Elhan’s face darkened. “I-I cannot let you know these things. They are a shame to my people, and to have outsiders know of them would only increase the pain. If you are to know, someone else must tell you.”

“Then find them so we can know,” Valygar said.

“There is no one else. At least, no one here. The priestess Demin can tell you all you wish to know, but she is trapped in the city with the rest of our people. You will have to give me the Lanthorn to have your answers.”

“It appears we have no choice,” Jaheira concluded, “though I do not like being played a fool. I hope that you speak truly, and that this Demin can help us.” She handed over the Rhynn Lanthorn.

“At last!” Elhan exclaimed. “Sweet Suldanessellar is free again!” He gave the relic to one of the mages standing behind him, who inspected it and frowned.

“This isn’t right,” the mage said. “Someone’s tampered with it. There are pieces missing.”

“What?” Elhan asked.

“It won’t work without all the parts,” the mage shrugged, apologetic.

“You tampered with a most sacred relic?” Elhan demanded of the group. “I will have you executed for this crime! No matter if you destroyed Bhodi. Such an outrage will not stand!”

“We had nothing to do with it!” Aerie cried angrily. “How dare you accuse us without proof. We brought back the Lanthorn as you asked in the condition we found it. How were we to know that it was broken?”

“True,” the mage admitted sheepishly.

Elhan took a deep breath. “I…am sorry. Tempers have been tight since Suldanessellar’s disappearance. You are right, I should not have accused you. But the fact remains that we still cannot enter the city.”

Valygar thought for a moment. “What is missing?”

“Several of the lenses are gone. The Lanthorn focuses its energy through the lenses to dispel spells,” the mage explained.

Valygar pulled two glass lenses from his pack. “We found these some time ago on a girl who claimed to be searching for such an artifact,” he said. “Could these be the missing parts?”

The mage hurriedly took the lenses and inserted them into the Lanthorn. “Yes, they fit! These are the missing parts!”

“Then we can enter the city?” Elhan asked.

“Well, no,” the mage said. “There is one more lens missing. The magic might be enough to allow one or two people into the city, but not more.”

“Where did you find these parts?” Elhan asked.

“In a dungeon to the north,” Valygar explained. “Though I doubt if we could find another one by searching. That could take weeks.”

“I’ll prepare some divinations tonight,” the mage said, and left with the Lanthorn.

“I supposed we’ll have to wait,” the elven general muttered. “You will be given accommodations for the night. We will also bury your companion if you wish.” He looked at the body Ajantis held dubiously.

“Thank you,” Jaheira said. “We will deal with it.”

They were shown to a large tent where they could spend the night. Tybalt sat next to Haer’Dalis’ body, staring and saying nothing. Aerie browsed the books she had found in the vampire lair. Jaheira tended to Valygar’s wounds, getting the aid of an elven healer. They were all so exhausted that sleep came easily to them when they finally settled in for the night.

A soldier poked into the tent at dawn break. “Elhan is ready for you.” They left Haer’Dalis’ body for the moment; Tybalt still refused to let anyone do anything to it.

“Our mages have found the location to the last lens,” Elhan informed them without ceremony. “It lies in the possession of some kind of shadow in the hills north of here. There is a temple in the region where we believe the lens lies, in the Umar Hills.”

“A temple to Amaunator, the old god of the sun?” Aerie asked.

Elhan blinked. “Yes. How did you know?”

Aerie held up the books. “There talk about vampires, and one of the subjects repeated in all of them is reversing the effect of vampirism. There’s mention of a temple of Amaunator where the bodies of the affected have been brought back to life. I thought…it might be useful.” She smiled shyly at Tybalt.

Tybalt stared at her. “You can bring Haer’Dalis back?”

“Well, I’m not sure,” she explained. “The books are very old and I don’t know how reliable they are.”

“We must try!” he said. It was the first time since leaving Bhodi’s lair that he had said more than a few words at a time.

“We can go to this temple and find the lens piece and find a cure for Haer’Dalis,” Aerie suggested.

“I will have a map made,” Elhan said. “Can you leave within the hour?”

“We’re ready,” Tybalt said.

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