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Interludes in Suldenessellar - Chapter 2.2

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#1 Guest_VigaHrolf_*

Posted 22 February 2004 - 04:20 PM

Author's Note: At the end of Section 1, Immy's strange magical orb had gone off in a flash of brilliant light, leveling the entire party. And now, what happened...

Disclaimer: Let's see... bad jokes... oh and yeah.. Tasteful nudity and sexual situations. Definitely adult content ahead. Just so you know... Still all PG-13 tho.


Consciousness returned with the force of a smith’s strike on steel. The inside of his skull rang like an anvil. An anvil being used by a family of dwarves. Make that a clan of dwarves. With orders to equip a legion of troops with full plate and weapons.

Rubbing his throbbing forehead, he tried to push himself up off of the carpeted floor. The first attempt meet with little success. His body felt all wrong and his muscles just weren’t responding properly. Whatever that light was, it hits harder than a dragon with an axe in its belly he thought as he finally got himself sitting up.

Still rubbing his aching head, he called out, “Is everyone alright?”

He heard Minsc grumble about his aching head and then heard Aerie’s voice chime in. Next to him, he saw Jaheira lever herself off of the ground on shaky arms and heard Keldorn grumble as he rubbed the back of his head. Finally, Imoen moved, complaining, as she struggled to get up onto her knees. Grabbing a hold of the table, the big ranger struggled to his feet, grumbling, “Well at least the damn ball didn’t kill anyone.”

Dropping heavily into his chair, he stared at the now inert looking ball. From the look of it, one would never know it had recently burst into blinding, painful light. Around him, the others struggled into their seats, all looking drained and tired. There was silence for a few moments as everyone simply stared at the silvery ball.

It was a silence that would not last long. Jaheira broke it first. Glaring at the red haired mage, she asked, “Child, I know that you possess a great ability with Mystra’s Weave, but you would think that all of that power would have instilled more wisdom in dealing with magical artifacts!”

Keldorn’s gruff voice broke in with concern and distaste both present. “Indeed Imoen. Magic is a dangerous thing and it should not be toyed with. That is the path of danger and destruction. I do not care to remember the magician’s lairs I have found where magic was toyed with. I would hate to see you fall to that dark path.”

“Boo is thinking that nice Imoen should be more careful with magic. The bright light hurt Boo’s eyes and made Minsc’s head swim.”

All three chided while Aerie, face paler than usual, simply leaned, eyes closed, against the table. As the three criticized, Viga watched the color drain right out of his sister’s face. Tears formed at the corners of her eyes, but behind those tears, the dangerous green fire of her temper smoldered like a spark in tinder. He knew that sight all too well, and the trouble that soon followed it. The vision of one instance when they both were children popped into his mind’s eye unbidden. For a second he wondered if the woman who had called her such filthy names ever did manage to stop itching.

While Imoen was still speechless, Viga pushed himself up out of his chair and shouted over all of them, “Look! It was a mistake! No one is hurt, right? Everyone is okay, even Boo?” He saw Minsc nod affirmatively. “Good. It was just an accident. Nothing malicious, no harm done, so there is no need to shout at her, okay? We all make mistakes. She made a mistake, and she’s going to be more careful with unknown artifacts from now on, right?” Imoen, thankfully, nodded affirmatively and Viga continued, “Alright then, its settled. Its not like any of us haven’t made a mistake or two and having people jump down our throats didn’t help, did it?”

He looked at his other companions. Minsc nodded happily and he saw the old campaigner Keldorn nod as well. The teacher in him may not have completely agreed, but he kept his peace. Aerie, never one for personal conflict, also nodded. When he looked at Jaheira, he could see her annoyance writ clear as day in the set of her shoulders and lips, obviously having something else to say, but she nodded as well. Nodding himself, he said, “Good. Now I’m exhausted. And since nothing bad happened when the damn ball went off, I’m going to go to sleep. Maybe you,” he said, nodding at Imoen, “and Aerie can figure out what that damned thing does tomorrow.”

Imoen agreed, “Yeah, okay big V, We’ll see what we can find out.” Looking at the others, she said, “And guys, I’m really sorry it went off. I mean, I looked over it and just seemed to be just kinda magical, not like it did anything.” Seeing the look in Jaheira’s eye, she added quickly and defensively, “And I’ll be more careful, okay? It’s not like I’m a Jansen here.” Imoen gave one her smiles, trying to elicit a laugh, but no one chuckled.

Weary and sore, the group got up from the table and headed off for their respective rooms. Viga noticed that Jaheira was the first to leave and watched her walk up the stairs, knowing full well the discussion wasn’t finished. Keldorn was next, picking up his novel, then finally Minsc and Aerie, with Minsc helping the very pale Avariel up the stairs. Finally, it was just Viga and Imoen looking at each other from across the table.

Imoen spoke first, shrugging her shoulders and going for the ‘cute and innocent’ face that had worked so well when they were both children and on him as well. Contritely she said, “Thanks for sticking up for me Viga. I really kinda screwed this one up, huh? Well, at least everyone is okay, right?”

Viga looked over at Imoen and gave her a tired but stern look. “Yes Imoen, you really managed to bullocks that one up.” Holding up a hand to quell the retort he knew was coming, “But we’ve both managed to screw up a whole bunch. I’m not going to yell at you Imoen.” Giving her a more brotherly smile, he sighed and continued, “Just try and be more careful, okay? Don’t toss around strange magical artifacts. And don’t be mad at the others, either. Especially Jaheira, she’s had a rough day.”

It was Imoen’s turn to give Viga a look. Drawing herself up to her full height, she demanded, “What did you do, you overgrown hairball?”

Giving Imoen an incredulous look, he shot back, “What? No. Nuh uh. No way Immy. You are not turning this one around on me. You’re the one who fired of the strange shiny thing.”

“And you look like you were taking brooding lessons from your buddy Valygar for the last couple of days. I think this is the first day I’ve seen you smile since we came back from Hell. And in case you didn’t notice through that big ol’ mop o hair, Jah’s been looking worried. Real worried. So if you did something to her, I’ll turn you into… into a newt! And I’ll make sure you don’t get better!”

The earnestness in her voice took the big ranger aback. Gesturing for her to stay calm, he said, “Look Imi, it is fine. No need to turn me into a newt or anything else. Or turn my hair pink again.” Seeing that she wasn’t going to just leave it alone, he sighed and said, “Look, Imoen, things are fine. I was an idiot and gave her more of a shock than she deserved, but we worked things out. So don’t worry about me. And if you promise to stop just messing around with magical devices you don’t understand I’ll promise to brood less, deal?”

“Oh fine. Take away all my fun.”

Viga shook his head at the strangeness that was his sister. “Good night Imoen.”

Imoen walked over to Viga and gave him a hug. “Good night fuzzyface. And thanks for sticking up for me.”

Mussing her hair, he hugged her back and replied, “You’re welcome half-pint.”

Imoen gave him one of those crazy half smiles of hers and Viga headed for the stairs. He walked quickly despite the tired muscles and stopped for a moment before the door of the room he shared with Jaheira. She would probably be annoyed with him and chastise him for not being harder with Imoen’s miscues, gaffes, and pranks. Steeling himself, he pushed the door open.

Looking in, he saw Jaheira sitting at the writing table feigning reading. She looked up as soon as the door closed and said, almost on cue, “You know Viga, you shouldn’t just rush to Imoen’s defense when she does something dangerous like what she did today. If you always back her up, how is she ever going to learn that she is responsible for both her actions and their consequences?”

His spirits falling as the old argument renewed itself, he fired back, “Look, she made a mistake, Jaheira, we all do. I’m not going to beat her up for it, she already feels bad enough about it as it is. And plus, that silly spunk? That’s part of her charm, even if it does mean loosing the occasional set of eyebrows. Or having brilliant pink hair for a week. She knows she screwed up and feels bad about it, and frankly that’s good enough for me. Alright, Jaheira?”

He waited for her retort but it didn’t come. She said nothing, she just sat there and looked at him. As his confusion mounted, she broke into a wide grin. Now thoroughly confused, he cocked his head to the side and gave her a quizzical look. That only made the smile grow wider. In fact, it now threatened to take her head off.

Putting the book on the table, she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and drew his head down, kissing him deeply. When they came up for air, the baffled ranger blurted out, “But.. why? I don’t understand.”

“Because I know how much you care for that silly mage,” she replied, her eyes twinkling with merriment. “You protect her like a mother bear protects her young, but for the last week, you barely noticed what she did. And seeing you rushing to her defense of old, it proves you’ve come back to us. Come back to me.”

“Oh,” he said, still confused but grateful that she wasn’t angry.

She kissed him again and pushed him onto the bed. Climbing atop him, she kissed him again and then sat up, straddling him. She looked at him, her face serious but the sparkle in her eye giving her away. Waggling a finger at him and trying to sound serious, she said, “Now, this doesn’t mean I think that you should continue to mollycoddle her. She still needs to learn and you overprotecting her won’t help.”

Viga grinned, “Of course, dear.”

Her attempt to give him a stern look was ruined by the merriment that shined in her beautiful eyes. “I mean it, Viga.”

Viga’s grin widened as he traced his fingers along the taut muscles of her thighs, “Of course, dear.”

“Shut up.”

He reached up and pulled her down to him, leaving her face barely an inch away, her braids draping around both their faces like a golden curtain. From within their braided curtain, still scented of the forest’s earth, he grinned and repeated, “Of course, dear.”

Then, before she could laugh, he grabbed a hold of her marvelous braids and pulled her lips to his. Her lips were soft at first, then hard as her passion stirred. He felt her hands wrap around the back of his head, pulling him up to her. The force caught him off guard, as did her sudden break of the kiss, dropping him back onto the soft bed.

She placed one finger on his lips and said huskily, “You are trying to change the subject on me. What if I’m not finished yet?”

Viga smiled wolfishly behind his beard and nipped at the tip of her finger. Then, with speed that no big man rightly should have, he twisted and rolled Jaheira onto her back. She yelped in surprise, but it was short lived as he quelled it with another kiss. He held himself up with his arms close to her shoulders, guarding against any attempts to flip him back. Taking a moment to savor the way her golden brown braids tangled in the silky green sheets, he grinned and answered, “Me? Try to change the subject on you? Nooo. Never. So, you have more to say?”

A wry smile tickled the corners of her rose red lips as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Eyes twinkling, she started, “Yes, I think I..”

Viga smothered her words with another kiss, his tongue teasing hers. He felt her hands move up and take a grip behind his shoulders and her hips roll into his. Breaking the kiss, his lips moved down her cheek to her neck. Callous fingers loosened her shirt collar, exposing more well-tanned skin to his tender ministrations. Starting at one side and slowly making his way to the other, he left a trail of lingering kisses along her collarbone. As his lips traced farther down, teasing the tops of her breasts, her breathing quickened and her fingers raked across the tense muscles his broad back.

Pausing his amorous attentions, he pushed himself back up on one elbow and asked quietly, “So, my love, do you still have more to say on the matter?”

“Wha..?” she breathlessly replied. “You are having too much fun with..” Her words became more difficult as he renewed his exploration. Pulling her shirt open to her midriff, he lavished kisses on her navel and over her well muscled stomach, then blazed a trail back up between her firm and ample breasts to her long neck. Pausing to trace her jawline with his lips, he savored the taste of her mix of salt and earth. Barely able to speak, she gasped, “this… little.. game.. of.. yours.”

Taking a break from nibbling her earlobe, he asked innocently, “What game, my love? I just didn’t want to distract you.”

Turning her head to face him, she wrapped her hands around his face, the fingers buried in his mane of black hair. Staring into his eyes, she ordered huskily, “Just shut up and kiss me you fool.”

She pulled his face to hers and kissed him passionately, her fingers tracing paths through the forest of his hair.

And he shut up.

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