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The Black Omegas, Ch XI: I've Got a Tofurkey in my Trousers

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#1 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 10 February 2004 - 06:49 AM

Random note: No offense to all you vegetarians/vegans out there, but seriously, the very concept of a tofurkey makes my skin crawl. Shame on you. :twisted:

Second note: Um... yeah, so I should probably slap -some- kind of "warning label" on this thing, just in case some of the "jokes" near the end of this post not go over well for some reason or another. :evil:

XI: I’ve Got a Tofurkey in my Trousers

Mess Hall, TCS Gallante
0851 Hours, Local Standard

As was their wont, the Gallante’s contingent of military police had made their presence known, breaking up the Mess Hall foodfight before it’d really gotten a head of steam behind it; in the process, they’d ruined all the fun for a good portion of the ship’s crew. A lot of those once-again-bored personnel were trying hard not to grumble at the herd of spoilsports that had just crashed the party.

The MPs didn’t seem to notice the annoyed muttering; either that, or they simply didn’t care. Judging by the expression on Corporal Ajantis Dresarin‘s face, it was most likely the latter. But despite all outward signs that the young man was utterly devoid of humor, Lieutenant Imoen Llyr wasn’t about to give up without tossing around a mandatory withering bon mot. Contractual obligations aside, she would have done it just for the kicks.

“How’s it going, Cue Ball?” she asked, sweetly, drawing upon deep-buried reserves of insolence and finding nerve enough to rap her bare knuckles against his bald head.

The only response she got for her trouble was a withering glare, and a harsh poke in the back from a truncheon. “Get moving...” he growled from behind her.

She did as requested, allowing the MPs to herd her and the rest of her posse into the center of the Mess Hall. She sidled in close to Falynn; her older sister wore a sour expression as she shifted awkwardly from foot to foot. “I don’t get it,” Imoen began, “someone breaks into his quarters, shaves his head while he’s asleep, and he assumes it’s me…” She sighed in cute, but indignant frustration. “I get blamed for -everything- around here.”

“That’s because you’re usually responsible.”

Imoen held up a finger in admonishment. “And that, dear sister, is completely beside the point.”

“What point would that be? The one sticking out the top of your head?”

The younger of the two smirked. “Not one of your better comebacks, sugar…”

Falynn grimaced noticeably. “You try working up something snappy when you’ve got half a tofurkey swimming around in your trousers.”

“Thanks for -that- mental image.”

Lynn put on her best “sultry” voice, and leaned in close. “I’ve got a tofurkey in my trousers…”

“All right… quit it! Creeping me out.”


Brig, TCS Gallante
0919 Hours, Local Standard

“You know, you’re right… those pink curtains really -do- make the room.”

“Told ya…”

“Hey, Lynn?”


Imoen was lying face-up, a particularly hard lump of mattress digging into the small of her back. She blew a lock of hair out of her face; it fell back across her eyes. She studiously ignored it. “When do you think they’re gonna let us outta here?”

Her head at the other end of the same bunk, one leg hanging over the edge of the mattress, Falynn sighed and raised her arm to grab a quick glance at the chronometer on her wrist. “Well, let’s see… we’re scheduled for an operation in about… six hours… so… some time before then.”

“I’m not gonna last that long… this guy’s singing is making my ears bleed.” She pounded a fist against the bulkhead separating her cell from the one next to it. “For the love of Bhaal! Would someone please get this guy a bucket so he could carry a tune?!”

Falynn poked her cellmate in the shoulder with her left foot. “Relax, Im. Someone’s coming.”

“Someone” turned out to be Ajantis. He peered inside the cell, looking through the nearly transparent energy field that kept the two Llyr sisters locked up. “Captain wants to see you two troublemakers,” he said, gruffly as he began to key in the cell-release code. Clearly, the young Corporal was looking none too happy about the two misanthropes being on the loose again, but orders were orders.

Falynn and Imoen rolled out of the bunk and to their feet. The former simply walked out of the cell without any further comment. The latter, of course, did no such thing.

“What’s the problem now, Lieutenant?” Dresarin groused, smacking the end of his baton against his open palm menacingly.

“Sorry…” she replied, adopting a pronounced squint, and holding a hand up to shade her eyes. “Temporary blindness… all that light reflecting off your bald head.”

“Uh… we’ll be leaving now, Corporal…” Lynn interjected, frantically trying to disarm the conversational bomb before it could explode. She seized Imoen by the arm and forcibly dragged the younger woman away from the cell and the irritated MP.

“Damn it, Im… don’t antagonize the guy with the stick…” she said reproachfully once they were both out of earshot.

“Aha! There he is…”


“The guy in the cell next to us… you know, the one who can’t sing worth a damn? The Terrible Tenor…”

“You’ve given him a nickname already?”

“What can I say? I don’t like his filed teeth and his watery, yellow eyeballs.”

“Im, you can’t even see his face from here…”

Her posture suddenly went aggressive. “I don’t like his belligerent elbows… his threatening ear-backs!”

“Ilmater, give me strength…”

Like a Ritalin-deprived child, Imoen’s attentions shifted yet again. “Hey, Jaheira… hey, Minsc!”

No response from the two figures falling into step behind them.

“I think she’s mad at me, Lynn.”

“I think she’s mad at you, Im.”

“I’m mad at both of you.”

“We stand corrected,” the two sisters replied in unison.

“So… uh, Boo… what’s up with Minsc? Why’d he smash those waffles on his own head?” Falynn asked after a second or two of relative silence.

The hamster sighed. “I asked him about that, myself. He said he saw something like it in a holo once. Someone grabbed a handful of food, stood up… and then he couldn’t remember what happened after that. I considered explaining the concept of a food fight to him, but my circuits got tired so I chose not to bother.”

“Wise move.”

“Yeah, I’m hoping someone will tell him eventually. Just won’t be me.”


Captain’s Ready Room, TCS Gallante
0932 Hours, Local Standard

Armilal Ulraunt was a stern man – severe, authoritarian… a strict disciplinarian. Rules and regulations defined his world, gave it shape. They imposed limits and boundaries on both him and his interactions with others – restrictions that granted him the ability to relate to people on his exacting terms. Anything that flouted those laws, broke those rules, or otherwise upset the delicate balance he had labored painstakingly to create, drew his considerable ire. As captain of the TCS Gallante, he had a fair amount of freedom to express that anger.

The aging Naval officer paced his ready room. He avoided the hunched-over posture many others his age were forced to assume, instead keeping his back ramrod straight, head held high, chin lifted in an imperious tilt. He kept his hands clasped together behind his back as he walked to and fro, stopping every so often to glare at one of the figures standing at attention and waiting for his next move.

His face slipped into a contemptuous sneer as he surveyed the gathered personnel: the ones deemed responsible for the acts of rampant insanity that had besieged the Mess Hall less than an hour ago. Troublemakers… misfits… misanthropes… every last one of them. Disciplinary records as long as an elder sage’s beard. Punitive measures numbering in the dozens. Terms of incarceration lengthier than elven gestation periods. It was enough to set his teeth on edge.

And yet… despite his years of experience and countless hours of pondering the situation, he could not even begin to fathom just how the lot of them had survived as long as they had. Normally, pests such as these washed out after weeks. Some of the people standing in front of him had survived a decade… in some cases, more. It was a logical impossibility, defying all rhyme or reason – their continued careers an exercise in intellectual bankruptcy.

“Llyr…” he grumbled, staring at the two sisters standing side by side and wondering just what colossal calamity had spawned two so frighteningly similar beings. While the pair certainly had their differences, that myriad of differences between the two seemed almost superficial at best. A slight disparity in height and weight (Falynn was perhaps an inch or two taller and a handful of pounds heavier), a tiny dissimilarity in hair style and color (Imoen’s was more reddish than brown and worn slightly shorter), an almost imperceptible divergence in bearing and posture (Imoen’s idea of “attention” was about as formal as rainbow-colored socks)…

Etcetera. Etcetera.

And yet the attitudes and outlooks almost always seemed to mesh perfectly. Seamlessly.

The mere thought of it was infuriating.

“Marael…” Ulraunt moved on, setting his sights on the austere-looking woman standing to Imoen’s right. She was the “sane one,” or so he had once foolishly believed. Her outward appearance was unyielding… almost foreboding in its severity. And yet, that constant, unsympathetic expression belied a sense of “humor” to rival that of any of the others in the room. She had been his one prospect for wisdom and good sense amidst the madness… but he had learned the hard way not to trust to hope. It was forsaken in these lands.

“Vaonnor…” The behemoth… the juggernaut… strong of heart… weak of mind. Terribly impressionable, easily manipulated. Ulraunt held out little hope for that one.

“Jansen…” Little need be said about the gnome. Jan talked enough about himself as it was.

“Corthala…” The newly transferred Sergeant had already suffered a close brush with the corruption that festered aboard the Gallante. Minutes after his arrival, he had already been involved with one of the worst disruptions the ship had ever experienced. Ulraunt hoped the grizzled Sergeant was made of sterner stuff than he looked to be. Omega Black needed some manner of mediating influence, and Valygar was currently the only thing remotely resembling such a force.

Ulraunt moved on. The Omegas were -always- the primary instigators, but by no means were they the sole party responsible. He rattled off more names, branding one offender after another.





Having come to the end of the line, Ulraunt stepped back, fixing them all with a stark glare. “I see we, once again, have to go over the list of things you people are NOT allowed to do. Major, if you would be so kind as to begin the recitation?” The manner with which he made the request clearly indicated that… it -wasn't- a request.

Falynn sighed. “I am not allowed to start foodfights in the Mess Hall.”

“Good. Continue.” The elder naval officer seated himself behind his desk, planted his elbows on the table, and steepled his fingers together.

Falynn did continue, rattling off a list of forbidden actions:

- I am not allowed to threaten anyone with black magic; I am not allowed to challenge anyone’s disbelief of black magic by asking for hair.
- The Dwarven MPs are not after 'Me frosted Lucky Charms'.
- I am not allowed to add 'In accordance with the prophecy' to the end of every sentence.
- When asked to give a few words at a military ceremony, ‘Romper Bomper Stomper Boo' is not appropriate.
- I am not allowed to mount a bayonet on a crew-served weapon.
- I am not allowed to trade my rifle for any of the following: Cigarettes, booze, sexual favors, Orcish Gauss rifles, Sahaugin Armored vehicles, small children, or bootleg holodiscs.
- I am not allowed to teach other soldiers to say offensive and crude things in Goblin, under the guise of teaching them how to say potentially useful phrases.
- I am not allowed to drink three quarts of blue food coloring before a urine test.
- Nor am I allowed to drink three quarts of red food coloring, and scream during the same.

Imoen picked up the narration:

- I am not allowed to get silicone breast implants.
- “My proper military title is ‘Lieutenant Llyr’ not ‘Princess Anastasia’.”
- I am not allowed to let sock puppets take responsibility for any of my actions.
- I am not allowed to let sock puppets take command of my post.
- I am not allowed to chew gum at muster, unless I brought enough for everybody.
- I am not allowed to chew gum at muster even if I -did- bring enough for everybody.
- I am not allowed to sing the following song during airborne operations: “See the earth below/Soon to make a crater/Blue sky, black death, I'm off to meet my maker.”
- “It is better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission,” no longer applies to me.
- I am not allowed to use the following words and phrases in a cadence: Budding sexuality, necrophilia, I hate everyone on this ship and wish they were dead, personal lubrication, all Fleet officers are latent homosexuals, Tantric yoga, Götterdämmerung, Calishite hooker, we've all got jackboots now, slut puppy, or any references to squid.
- "Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, turn around" is -not- a cadence.
- I am not allowed to go EVA and paint pink bunnies on the side of the ship.
- If the thought of something makes me giggle for longer than 15 seconds, I am to assume that I am not allowed to do it.
- I am not allowed to use smiley faces to mark minefields.
- Claymore mines are not filled with yummy candy, and it is wrong to tell newbies that they are.
- Two drink limit does not mean first and last.
- Two drink limit does not mean two kinds of drinks.
- Two drink limit does not mean the drinks can be as large as I like.
- “No Drinking Of Alcoholic Beverages” does not imply that intravenous consumption is acceptable.
- “I’m drunk,” is a bad answer to any question posed by my commander.
- Putting Good & Plenty into a prescription medicine bottle, and then eating them all at muster is not funny.
- I am not allowed to treat “piss-bottles” with extra-strength Icy-Hot.

Jaheira was next to take up the baton:

- I am not allowed to add pictures of officers I don’t like to war criminal posters.
- I am not allowed to tell any officer that I am smarter than they are, especially if it's true.
- I am not allowed to wake a superior officer by repeatedly banging on the head with a bag of trash.
- “A full magazine and some privacy” is -not- the way to help a potential suicide.
- Bodychecking Admirals is not a good idea.

Jan was the next contributor:

- I am not allowed to have flashbacks to wars I was not in.
- Our medic is called “Lieutenant Marael” not “Dr. Feelgood.”
- Past lives have absolutely no effect on the chain of command.
- Our assault transports cannot be assembled into a giant battle-robot.
- I am -not- allowed to attempt “Something I saw in a cartoon” when operating a military vehicle.

Viconia DeVir’s turn to speak arrived:

- “Napalm sticks to kids” is -not- a motivational phrase.
- I am not allowed to perform any military functions while “Skyclad.”
- I am not allowed to pretend to be a fascist stormtrooper while on duty.
- Burn pits for classified materiel are not revel fires – therefore I am not allowed to dance naked around them.
- I am not allowed to perform “lap-dances” while in uniform.
- If I take the uniform off, in the course of the lap-dance, it still counts.

And finally to Edwin Odesseiron:

- I am not allowed to use the Admiral’s personal shuttle for taquito runs.
- I am not allowed to operate a business out of the barracks.
- Especially not a pornographic holo-movie studio.
- Not even if they -are- “especially patriotic films.”
- I am not allowed to use the loudspeaker system to broadcast the soundtrack to a porno movie.
- I am not allowed to taunt officers in the throes of nicotine withdrawal, with cigarettes.
- I am not allowed to take incriminating photos of my chain of command.
- I am not allowed to use Engineering department computers to -create- incriminating photos of my chain of command.

Several minutes after it had begun, the “performance” came to its conclusion. While Ulraunt seemed well pleased, the others appeared to be just the opposite. Instead of standing at attention, they’d begun to slouch or fidget. Imoen was trying hard to stifle a yawn, an attempt that warped her expression so profoundly, she looked as if she were going to vomit. Viconia was scrutinizing her manicure; Minsc’s arm was flopping around behind his back as he tried to get to an itch he just couldn’t reach.

And so on.

Feeling that he’d made his point, the captain gave each of them one final, hard stare than motioned graciously (gracious for him) to the door. “And don’t you go forgetting what you’ve ‘learned’ here, today. Dismissed.”

Once again, Imoen felt the need to speak once she and the rest were out of earshot. “Uh, I… I can still antagonize -him-, right?”

Jaheira put a reassuring hand on the young woman’s shoulder. “If you ever -stop-, I’ll hurt you.”

#2 Guest_Userunfriendly_*

Posted 10 February 2004 - 07:57 AM

I'm so sorry, I can't read your stories any longer...

"If the thought of something makes me giggle for longer than 15 seconds, I am to assume that I am not allowed to do it."

since your stories made me giggle for 2 full minutes, I assume I'm not allowed to read them any longer...


this was great I loved it!!! the pink bunnies, the sock puppets, gaint robots, cartoon, porno movies...wonderful!!! I really think these stories are beginning to assume a personality of their own...a "Machale's Navy" or "Hogan's Heroes" sort of personality...I loved it!!! more soon!!!

#3 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 10 February 2004 - 08:18 PM

I really think these stories are beginning to assume a personality of their own...a "Machale's Navy" or "Hogan's Heroes" sort of personality..


Dean Stockwell as Col. Keldorn Firecam
Tom Arnold as Maj. Falynn Llyr
Debra Messing as 2Lt. Imoen Llyr


Tim Curry as 1Lt. Jaheira Marael

And introducing:

David Alan Grier as Jan

Oh yeah... that's quality. :twisted:

#4 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 10 February 2004 - 08:28 PM

Random note: No offense to all you vegetarians/vegans out there, but seriously, the very concept of a tofurkey makes my skin crawl. Shame on you. :lol:

No vegetarian here. I LOVE meat. :)

The MPs didn’t seem to notice the annoyed muttering; either that, or they simply didn’t care. Judging by the expression on Corporal Ajantis Dresarin‘s face, it was most likely the latter. But despite all outward signs that the young man was utterly devoid of humor, Lieutenant Imoen Llyr wasn’t about to give up without tossing around a mandatory withering bon mot. Contractual obligations aside, she would have done it just for the kicks.

BOO! Somehow I was not expecting Ajantis (couldn’t you have sent him to whatever is the alternative of Windspear Hills in this universe?) – but he is a regular party pooper, that’s for sure. What a sour pickle.

She did as requested, allowing the MPs to herd her and the rest of her posse into the center of the Mess Hall. She sidled in close to Falynn; her older sister wore a sour expression as she shifted awkwardly from foot to foot. “I don’t get it,” Imoen began, “someone breaks into his quarters, shaves his head while he’s asleep, and he assumes it’s me…” She sighed in cute, but indignant frustration. “I get blamed for -everything- around here.”

AWWW! Now the Cue Ball makes so much sense… bwahahahaha!

Falynn grimaced noticeably. “You try working up something snappy when you’ve got half a tofurkey swimming around in your trousers.”

“Thanks for -that- mental image.”

Ewwww… yeah, thanks indeed… I bet she wishes it would be a schnitzel instead…

Her head at the other end of the same bunk, one leg hanging over the edge of the mattress, Falynn sighed and raised her arm to grab a quick glance at the chronometer on her wrist. “Well, let’s see… we’re scheduled for an operation in about… six hours… so… some time before then.”

That bastard Ajantis… throwing them behind bars just before the operation, uhhhh, he deserves something more than just having his hair shaved… :lol:

“What’s the problem now, Lieutenant?” Dresarin groused, smacking the end of his baton against his open palm menacingly.

“Sorry…” she replied, adopting a pronounced squint, and holding a hand up to shade her eyes. “Temporary blindness… all that light reflecting off your bald head.”

LOL! She’s got some nerve… and I wouldn’t do that, because I think that Ajantis has a very short fuse! :)

“I think she’s mad at me, Lynn.”

“I think she’s mad at you, Im.”

“I’m mad at both of you.”

“We stand corrected,” the two sisters replied in unison.

They had nerve to lock Jaheira up as well? I wouldn’t have dared… :) But a perfect exchange and a perfect example of Jaheira’s dry sense of humor.

Armilal Ulraunt was a stern man – severe, authoritarian… a strict disciplinarian. Rules and regulations defined his world, gave it shape. They imposed limits and boundaries on both him and his interactions with others – restrictions that granted him the ability to relate to people on his exacting terms. Anything that flouted those laws, broke those rules, or otherwise upset the delicate balance he had labored painstakingly to create, drew his considerable ire. As captain of the TCS Gallante, he had a fair amount of freedom to express that anger.

Urgh, it’s that ugly bug Ulraunt! Squish it, SQUISH IT NOW! :D

His face slipped into a contemptuous sneer as he surveyed the gathered personnel: the ones deemed responsible for the acts of rampant insanity that had besieged the Mess Hall less than an hour ago. Troublemakers… misfits… misanthropes… every last one of them. Disciplinary records as long as an elder sage’s beard. Punitive measures numbering in the dozens. Terms of incarceration lengthier than elven gestation periods. It was enough to set his teeth on edge.

Incarceration totals longer than two years? Whoa… nah, can’t be quite truth, can it?

“Marael…” Ulraunt moved on, setting his sights on the austere-looking woman standing to Imoen’s right. She was the “sane one,” or so he had once foolishly believed. Her outward appearance was unyielding… almost foreboding in its severity. And yet, that constant, unsympathetic expression belied a sense of “humor” to rival that of any of the others in the room. She had been his one prospect for wisdom and good sense amidst the madness… but he had learned the hard way not to trust to hope. It was forsaken in these lands.

Yep, Jaheira’s long gone… :)

“Corthala…” The newly transferred Sergeant had already suffered a close brush with the corruption that festered aboard the Gallante. Minutes after his arrival, he had already been involved with one of the worst disruptions the ship had ever experienced. Ulraunt hoped the grizzled Sergeant was made of sterner stuff than he looked to be. Omega Black needed some manner of mediating influence, and Valygar was currently the only thing remotely resembling such a force.

Bwahaha! That fool Ulraunt… Valygar will soon be as nutty as any of them… :)




Hey, I don’t remember those being a part of that food fight…

Falynn did continue, rattling off a list of forbidden actions:

- I am not allowed to threaten anyone with black magic; I am not allowed to challenge anyone’s disbelief of black magic by asking for hair.
- The Dwarven MPs are not after 'Me frosted Lucky Charms'.
- I am not allowed to add 'In accordance with the prophecy' to the end of every sentence.
- When asked to give a few words at a military ceremony, ‘Romper Bomper Stomper Boo' is not appropriate.
- I am not allowed to mount a bayonet on a crew-served weapon.
- I am not allowed to trade my rifle for any of the following: Cigarettes, booze, sexual favors, Orcish Gauss rifles, Sahaugin Armored vehicles, small children, or bootleg holodiscs.
- I am not allowed to teach other soldiers to say offensive and crude things in Goblin, under the guise of teaching them how to say potentially useful phrases.
- I am not allowed to drink three quarts of blue food coloring before a urine test.
- Nor am I allowed to drink three quarts of red food coloring, and scream during the same.

AAAAAARGH… well, now even a severe, brooding person as myself is shaking with uncontrollable laughter… :)

Imoen picked up the narration:

- I am not allowed to get silicone breast implants.
- “My proper military title is ‘Lieutenant Llyr’ not ‘Princess Anastasia’.”
- I am not allowed to let sock puppets take responsibility for any of my actions.
- I am not allowed to let sock puppets take command of my post.
- I am not allowed to chew gum at muster, unless I brought enough for everybody.
- I am not allowed to chew gum at muster even if I -did- bring enough for everybody.
- I am not allowed to sing the following song during airborne operations: “See the earth below/Soon to make a crater/Blue sky, black death, I'm off to meet my maker.”



*more uncontrolled laughter*

- “It is better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission,” no longer applies to me.
- I am not allowed to use the following words and phrases in a cadence: Budding sexuality, necrophilia, I hate everyone on this ship and wish they were dead, personal lubrication, all Fleet officers are latent homosexuals, Tantric yoga, Götterdämmerung, Calishite hooker, we've all got jackboots now, slut puppy, or any references to squid.
- "Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, turn around" is -not- a cadence.
- I am not allowed to go EVA and paint pink bunnies on the side of the ship.
- If the thought of something makes me giggle for longer than 15 seconds, I am to assume that I am not allowed to do it.
- I am not allowed to use smiley faces to mark minefields.
- Claymore mines are not filled with yummy candy, and it is wrong to tell newbies that they are.
- Two drink limit does not mean first and last.
- Two drink limit does not mean two kinds of drinks.
- Two drink limit does not mean the drinks can be as large as I like.
- “No Drinking Of Alcoholic Beverages” does not imply that intravenous consumption is acceptable.
- “I’m drunk,” is a bad answer to any question posed by my commander.
- Putting Good & Plenty into a prescription medicine bottle, and then eating them all at muster is not funny.
- I am not allowed to treat “piss-bottles” with extra-strength Icy-Hot.


*can’t laugh anymore*

*throat badly sore*

So Mazzy did make a report about the Icy-Hot incident?

Jaheira was next to take up the baton:

- I am not allowed to add pictures of officers I don’t like to war criminal posters.
- I am not allowed to tell any officer that I am smarter than they are, especially if it's true.
- I am not allowed to wake a superior officer by repeatedly banging on the head with a bag of trash.
- “A full magazine and some privacy” is -not- the way to help a potential suicide.
- Bodychecking Admirals is not a good idea.

Quite a short list of crimes (understandable!), but all very fitting! We need to make her list longer, Alpha! :)

Jan was the next contributor:

- I am not allowed to have flashbacks to wars I was not in.
- Our medic is called “Lieutenant Marael” not “Dr. Feelgood.”

Theo: Actually, that’s very appropriate, though for reasons Jan would not know about… :twisted:

And finally to Edwin Odesseiron:

- I am not allowed to use the Admiral’s personal shuttle for taquito runs.
- I am not allowed to operate a business out of the barracks.
- Especially not a pornographic holo-movie studio.
- Not even if they -are- “especially patriotic films.”
- I am not allowed to use the loudspeaker system to broadcast the soundtrack to a porno movie.
- I am not allowed to taunt officers in the throes of nicotine withdrawal, with cigarettes.
- I am not allowed to take incriminating photos of my chain of command.
- I am not allowed to use Engineering department computers to -create- incriminating photos of my chain of command.

Ooooh, bad Eddie, very bad! My, the dude has some operation running here… one cunning fox, Eddie is!

Now, I just can’t help but wonder where does he get the actors for his ‘patriotic’ films… :roll:

Once again, Imoen felt the need to speak once she and the rest were out of earshot. “Uh, I… I can still antagonize -him-, right?”

Jaheira put a reassuring hand on the young woman’s shoulder. “If you ever -stop-, I’ll hurt you.”

Bwahahah! Perfect ending, very nice touch from Jaheira!

*wanders off to do something about that coughing*

#5 Guest_Shian_*

Posted 10 February 2004 - 09:55 PM

*is glad her mom isn't home at this moment to ask her why she's laughing since she's supposed to be doing HOMEWORK.*


*is even more glad she was unable to get more than halfway thru (to the point of prison) while in school*


*loses her control while imagining trying to explain the laughing fit she would have had in the silent keyboa- 'Typing Etiquette' class to the teacher*

Thank GOD I didn't get farther than them in prison. :roll: We're not even supposed to be on the internet, much less doing stuff not related to school . . . :lol:

Another great chappie! Can't wait to see how this crazy bunch manages to corrupt Valy! :D

#6 Guest_VigaHrolf_*

Posted 10 February 2004 - 11:41 PM

Random note: No offense to all you vegetarians/vegans out there, but seriously, the very concept of a tofurkey makes my skin crawl. Shame on you. :D

As a wise man once said (I think it might have been me, but I was drunk at the time): If God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.

I think this sums up my opinion on the subject. However, I will state that I've had some great vegetarian/vegan meals. You can do some neat stuff with tofu. Just please, stop trying to deal with meat guilt and just use it instead of trying to make meat replacements.

XI: I’ve Got a Tofurkey in my Trousers

One of the more disturbing titles you've come up with. :)

As was their wont, the Gallante’s contingent of military police had made their presence known, breaking up the Mess Hall foodfight before it’d really gotten a head of steam behind it; in the process, they’d ruined all the fun for a good portion of the ship’s crew. A lot of those once-again-bored personnel were trying hard not to grumble at the herd of spoilsports that had just crashed the party.

:P Stupid MPs, ruining all the fun.

The MPs didn’t seem to notice the annoyed muttering; either that, or they simply didn’t care. Judging by the expression on Corporal Ajantis Dresarin‘s face, it was most likely the latter. But despite all outward signs that the young man was utterly devoid of humor, Lieutenant Imoen Llyr wasn’t about to give up without tossing around a mandatory withering bon mot. Contractual obligations aside, she would have done it just for the kicks.

I love the last line... hehehe.

“How’s it going, Cue Ball?” she asked, sweetly, drawing upon deep-buried reserves of insolence and finding nerve enough to rap her bare knuckles against his bald head.

The only response she got for her trouble was a withering glare, and a harsh poke in the back from a truncheon. “Get moving...” he growled from behind her.

She did as requested, allowing the MPs to herd her and the rest of her posse into the center of the Mess Hall. She sidled in close to Falynn; her older sister wore a sour expression as she shifted awkwardly from foot to foot. “I don’t get it,” Imoen began, “someone breaks into his quarters, shaves his head while he’s asleep, and he assumes it’s me…” She sighed in cute, but indignant frustration. “I get blamed for -everything- around here.”

Now, I can see where his ire might come from. I'd be pretty ticked if someone shaved my head too. She's lucky she didn't 'try to escape' or 'fall down some stairs'

“That’s because you’re usually responsible.”

Imoen held up a finger in admonishment. “And that, dear sister, is completely beside the point.”

Great bit of exchange here! Hehehe.

“What point would that be? The one sticking out the top of your head?”

The younger of the two smirked. “Not one of your better comebacks, sugar…”

Falynn grimaced noticeably. “You try working up something snappy when you’ve got half a tofurkey swimming around in your trousers.”

“Thanks for -that- mental image.”

Ugh... now that would screw with concentration. And I bet Theo's right too, she'd be happier if it were more along the line of a weinerschnitzel. :lol:

Lynn put on her best “sultry” voice, and leaned in close. “I’ve got a tofurkey in my trousers…”

“All right… quit it! Creeping me out.”

Bwahahahahahaha. Loved it!

“You know, you’re right… those pink curtains really -do- make the room.”

“Told ya…”

Gorion's Imoen: "You know, she's right. Hey Bran, how bout some pink curtains for the bridge? They'd really spruce it up."

Bran: "No. Try it and I'll have Nalia vent your cabin to space."

Imoen: "She wouldn't!"

Bran: *Wicked grin* "She would if she found out that her music crystal collection wasn't left behind on Vitala III."

Imoen: "You wouldn't."

Bran: *Smiles*

Imoen: "Punk."

“Hey, Lynn?”


Imoen was lying face-up, a particularly hard lump of mattress digging into the small of her back. She blew a lock of hair out of her face; it fell back across her eyes. She studiously ignored it. “When do you think they’re gonna let us outta here?”

Her head at the other end of the same bunk, one leg hanging over the edge of the mattress, Falynn sighed and raised her arm to grab a quick glance at the chronometer on her wrist. “Well, let’s see… we’re scheduled for an operation in about… six hours… so… some time before then.”

And security is hoping to just be able to deliver you to your assault shuttles and then uncuff you. :)

“I’m not gonna last that long… this guy’s singing is making my ears bleed.” She pounded a fist against the bulkhead separating her cell from the one next to it. “For the love of Bhaal! Would someone please get this guy a bucket so he could carry a tune?!”

Hehehe.. wonder who can't sing.

Falynn poked her cellmate in the shoulder with her left foot. “Relax, Im. Someone’s coming.”

“Someone” turned out to be Ajantis. He peered inside the cell, looking through the nearly transparent energy field that kept the two Llyr sisters locked up. “Captain wants to see you two troublemakers,” he said, gruffly as he began to key in the cell-release code. Clearly, the young Corporal was looking none too happy about the two misanthropes being on the loose again, but orders were orders.

Falynn and Imoen rolled out of the bunk and to their feet. The former simply walked out of the cell without any further comment. The latter, of course, did no such thing.

“What’s the problem now, Lieutenant?” Dresarin groused, smacking the end of his baton against his open palm menacingly.

My he's grumpy today. Wonder why. :)

“Sorry…” she replied, adopting a pronounced squint, and holding a hand up to shade her eyes. “Temporary blindness… all that light reflecting off your bald head.”

Ooooh. BURN!

“Uh… we’ll be leaving now, Corporal…” Lynn interjected, frantically trying to disarm the conversational bomb before it could explode. She seized Imoen by the arm and forcibly dragged the younger woman away from the cell and the irritated MP.

“Damn it, Im… don’t antagonize the guy with the stick…” she said reproachfully once they were both out of earshot.

I'm just not going to touch that line. I could, but I won't. :)

“The guy in the cell next to us… you know, the one who can’t sing worth a damn? The Terrible Tenor…”

“You’ve given him a nickname already?”

“What can I say? I don’t like his filed teeth and his watery, yellow eyeballs.”

“Im, you can’t even see his face from here…”

Her posture suddenly went aggressive. “I don’t like his belligerent elbows… his threatening ear-backs!”

“Ilmater, give me strength…”

Still wanna know who ugly is. :P

Like a Ritalin-deprived child, Imoen’s attentions shifted yet again. “Hey, Jaheira… hey, Minsc!”

No response from the two figures falling into step behind them.

“I think she’s mad at me, Lynn.”

“I think she’s mad at you, Im.”

“I’m mad at both of you.”

“We stand corrected,” the two sisters replied in unison.

Jaheira with the zinger. Her dry humor strikes again!

“So… uh, Boo… what’s up with Minsc? Why’d he smash those waffles on his own head?” Falynn asked after a second or two of relative silence.

The hamster sighed. “I asked him about that, myself. He said he saw something like it in a holo once. Someone grabbed a handful of food, stood up… and then he couldn’t remember what happened after that. I considered explaining the concept of a food fight to him, but my circuits got tired so I chose not to bother.”

“Wise move.”

“Yeah, I’m hoping someone will tell him eventually. Just won’t be me.”

Hehehe.. poor Boo. Can't explain to Minsc how to be Bluto Blutarski. Which you would think would be rather easy... :)

Armilal Ulraunt was a stern man – severe, authoritarian… a strict disciplinarian. Rules and regulations defined his world, gave it shape. They imposed limits and boundaries on both him and his interactions with others – restrictions that granted him the ability to relate to people on his exacting terms. Anything that flouted those laws, broke those rules, or otherwise upset the delicate balance he had labored painstakingly to create, drew his considerable ire. As captain of the TCS Gallante, he had a fair amount of freedom to express that anger.

Oh, this bugger. Bah. :P

The aging Naval officer paced his ready room. He avoided the hunched-over posture many others his age were forced to assume, instead keeping his back ramrod straight, head held high, chin lifted in an imperious tilt. He kept his hands clasped together behind his back as he walked to and fro, stopping every so often to glare at one of the figures standing at attention and waiting for his next move.

Translation: 15' pole up his a$$ :D :D :D

His face slipped into a contemptuous sneer as he surveyed the gathered personnel: the ones deemed responsible for the acts of rampant insanity that had besieged the Mess Hall less than an hour ago. Troublemakers… misfits… misanthropes… every last one of them. Disciplinary records as long as an elder sage’s beard. Punitive measures numbering in the dozens. Terms of incarceration lengthier than elven gestation periods. It was enough to set his teeth on edge.

And yet… despite his years of experience and countless hours of pondering the situation, he could not even begin to fathom just how the lot of them had survived as long as they had. Normally, pests such as these washed out after weeks. Some of the people standing in front of him had survived a decade… in some cases, more. It was a logical impossibility, defying all rhyme or reason – their continued careers an exercise in intellectual bankruptcy.

The fact that they were still alive must really tick him off. Especially when a lot of good people are dead, and especially a lot of people he considers to be 'better' people. Expectations just suck sometimes.

“Llyr…” he grumbled, staring at the two sisters standing side by side and wondering just what colossal calamity had spawned two so frighteningly similar beings. While the pair certainly had their differences, that myriad of differences between the two seemed almost superficial at best. A slight disparity in height and weight (Falynn was perhaps an inch or two taller and a handful of pounds heavier), a tiny dissimilarity in hair style and color (Imoen’s was more reddish than brown and worn slightly shorter), an almost imperceptible divergence in bearing and posture (Imoen’s idea of “attention” was about as formal as rainbow-colored socks)…

Nice description here. Get a much better sense of what Falynn looks like.

And yet the attitudes and outlooks almost always seemed to mesh perfectly. Seamlessly.

Is cause its trouble in the two pack.

The mere thought of it was infuriating.

Heh. Heh. Heh.

“Marael…” Ulraunt moved on, setting his sights on the austere-looking woman standing to Imoen’s right. She was the “sane one,” or so he had once foolishly believed. Her outward appearance was unyielding… almost foreboding in its severity. And yet, that constant, unsympathetic expression belied a sense of “humor” to rival that of any of the others in the room. She had been his one prospect for wisdom and good sense amidst the madness… but he had learned the hard way not to trust to hope. It was forsaken in these lands.

:D :D :D That's my girl!

“Vaonnor…” The behemoth… the juggernaut… strong of heart… weak of mind. Terribly impressionable, easily manipulated. Ulraunt held out little hope for that one.

Heh. Heh. Minsc isn't exactly the best trooper out there.. no...

“Jansen…” Little need be said about the gnome. Jan talked enough about himself as it was.

Now that's the truth.

“Corthala…” The newly transferred Sergeant had already suffered a close brush with the corruption that festered aboard the Gallante. Minutes after his arrival, he had already been involved with one of the worst disruptions the ship had ever experienced. Ulraunt hoped the grizzled Sergeant was made of sterner stuff than he looked to be. Omega Black needed some manner of mediating influence, and Valygar was currently the only thing remotely resembling such a force.

Little did he know, the V-Man is going to fit right in... eventually. He's got the right sense of humor.

Ulraunt moved on. The Omegas were -always- the primary instigators, but by no means were they the sole party responsible. He rattled off more names, branding one offender after another.





Quite the collection of sinners we have here. The creme de le creme.

Having come to the end of the line, Ulraunt stepped back, fixing them all with a stark glare. “I see we, once again, have to go over the list of things you people are NOT allowed to do. Major, if you would be so kind as to begin the recitation?” The manner with which he made the request clearly indicated that… it -wasn't- a request.

He must get some weird sort of pleasure out of this....

Falynn sighed. “I am not allowed to start foodfights in the Mess Hall.”

“Good. Continue.” The elder naval officer seated himself behind his desk, planted his elbows on the table, and steepled his fingers together.

Falynn did continue, rattling off a list of forbidden actions:

- I am not allowed to threaten anyone with black magic; I am not allowed to challenge anyone’s disbelief of black magic by asking for hair.
- The Dwarven MPs are not after 'Me frosted Lucky Charms'.
- I am not allowed to add 'In accordance with the prophecy' to the end of every sentence.
- When asked to give a few words at a military ceremony, ‘Romper Bomper Stomper Boo' is not appropriate.
- I am not allowed to mount a bayonet on a crew-served weapon.
- I am not allowed to trade my rifle for any of the following: Cigarettes, booze, sexual favors, Orcish Gauss rifles, Sahaugin Armored vehicles, small children, or bootleg holodiscs.
- I am not allowed to teach other soldiers to say offensive and crude things in Goblin, under the guise of teaching them how to say potentially useful phrases.
- I am not allowed to drink three quarts of blue food coloring before a urine test.
- Nor am I allowed to drink three quarts of red food coloring, and scream during the same.

Bwahahahaha!! Some true winners here!! Especially the Dwarven MPs. Especially if Korgan is one of em, because he might just be after her 'lucky charms' :) :)

Imoen picked up the narration:

This should be Grade A stuff.

- I am not allowed to get silicone breast implants.
- “My proper military title is ‘Lieutenant Llyr’ not ‘Princess Anastasia’.”
- I am not allowed to let sock puppets take responsibility for any of my actions.
- I am not allowed to let sock puppets take command of my post.
- I am not allowed to chew gum at muster, unless I brought enough for everybody.
- I am not allowed to chew gum at muster even if I -did- bring enough for everybody.
- I am not allowed to sing the following song during airborne operations: “See the earth below/Soon to make a crater/Blue sky, black death, I'm off to meet my maker.”
- “It is better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission,” no longer applies to me.
- I am not allowed to use the following words and phrases in a cadence: Budding sexuality, necrophilia, I hate everyone on this ship and wish they were dead, personal lubrication, all Fleet officers are latent homosexuals, Tantric yoga, Götterdämmerung, Calishite hooker, we've all got jackboots now, slut puppy, or any references to squid.
- "Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, turn around" is -not- a cadence.
- I am not allowed to go EVA and paint pink bunnies on the side of the ship.
- If the thought of something makes me giggle for longer than 15 seconds, I am to assume that I am not allowed to do it.
- I am not allowed to use smiley faces to mark minefields.
- Claymore mines are not filled with yummy candy, and it is wrong to tell newbies that they are.
- Two drink limit does not mean first and last.
- Two drink limit does not mean two kinds of drinks.
- Two drink limit does not mean the drinks can be as large as I like.
- “No Drinking Of Alcoholic Beverages” does not imply that intravenous consumption is acceptable.
- “I’m drunk,” is a bad answer to any question posed by my commander.
- Putting Good & Plenty into a prescription medicine bottle, and then eating them all at muster is not funny.
- I am not allowed to treat “piss-bottles” with extra-strength Icy-Hot.

I was laughing for a good couple minutes after this recitation. Absolutely top grade insanity!!!

Jaheira was next to take up the baton:

- I am not allowed to add pictures of officers I don’t like to war criminal posters.
- I am not allowed to tell any officer that I am smarter than they are, especially if it's true.
- I am not allowed to wake a superior officer by repeatedly banging on the head with a bag of trash.
- “A full magazine and some privacy” is -not- the way to help a potential suicide.
- Bodychecking Admirals is not a good idea.

Once again, that's my girl. That's just about the kind of trouble she'd come up with! :D :D Especially number 2! :(

Jan was the next contributor:

- I am not allowed to have flashbacks to wars I was not in.
- Our medic is called “Lieutenant Marael” not “Dr. Feelgood.”
- Past lives have absolutely no effect on the chain of command.
- Our assault transports cannot be assembled into a giant battle-robot.
- I am -not- allowed to attempt “Something I saw in a cartoon” when operating a military vehicle.

:) I agree wholeheartedly. He shouldn't be allowed to say any of these.

Bran: Although, Jah certainly can play Dr. Feelgood whenever she wants.
Viga: I second that, but those words coming out of Jan's mouth... ugh.
Bran: Yeah, but the question is, how did Jan survive saying them.
Viga: Good question.

Viconia DeVir’s turn to speak arrived:

- “Napalm sticks to kids” is -not- a motivational phrase.
- I am not allowed to perform any military functions while “Skyclad.”
- I am not allowed to pretend to be a fascist stormtrooper while on duty.
- Burn pits for classified materiel are not revel fires – therefore I am not allowed to dance naked around them.
- I am not allowed to perform “lap-dances” while in uniform.
- If I take the uniform off, in the course of the lap-dance, it still counts.

Appropriately naughty for DeVir. Now I wonder how she got those rules enforced. Heheheh. :)

And finally to Edwin Odesseiron:

- I am not allowed to use the Admiral’s personal shuttle for taquito runs.
- I am not allowed to operate a business out of the barracks.
- Especially not a pornographic holo-movie studio.
- Not even if they -are- “especially patriotic films.”
- I am not allowed to use the loudspeaker system to broadcast the soundtrack to a porno movie.
- I am not allowed to taunt officers in the throes of nicotine withdrawal, with cigarettes.
- I am not allowed to take incriminating photos of my chain of command.
- I am not allowed to use Engineering department computers to -create- incriminating photos of my chain of command.

"Especially Patriotic"? That is inspired!! :D

Several minutes after it had begun, the “performance” came to its conclusion. While Ulraunt seemed well pleased, the others appeared to be just the opposite. Instead of standing at attention, they’d begun to slouch or fidget. Imoen was trying hard to stifle a yawn, an attempt that warped her expression so profoundly, she looked as if she were going to vomit. Viconia was scrutinizing her manicure; Minsc’s arm was flopping around behind his back as he tried to get to an itch he just couldn’t reach.

And so on.

Hehehe.. they're bored.

Feeling that he’d made his point, the captain gave each of them one final, hard stare than motioned graciously (gracious for him) to the door. “And don’t you go forgetting what you’ve ‘learned’ here, today. Dismissed.”

Stick in the mud.

Once again, Imoen felt the need to speak once she and the rest were out of earshot. “Uh, I… I can still antagonize -him-, right?”

Jaheira put a reassuring hand on the young woman’s shoulder. “If you ever -stop-, I’ll hurt you.”

Great ending.. and a perfect Jaheira line as well!

Great stuff.. you had me laughing and good!


#7 Guest_Shian_*

Posted 11 February 2004 - 12:38 AM

Hehe, soon Val will have his own list of 'can'ts'
-I will not try to kill Viconia, Edwin, Jan, nor anyone else who actually manages to get under my skin.
-I will not be talked into crazy, yet amusing stunts by Mazzy or Imoen.
-I will not sing nor otherwise hum within 100 yards of another intelligent being.
-I will not sing nor hum, period.

I can also see Vic later having:
-I will not antagonize people about their sexuality nor sex life

-I will not say 'turnip' more than two times in a single speaking
-I will not tell pointless stories about turnips
-I will not try to make everyone I meet try a turnip
-I will not create ballads about turnips and sing them at 12:00 at night

#8 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 11 February 2004 - 07:42 AM

No vegetarian here. I LOVE meat.

All right! Screw vegetarians! Let's eat meat! :(

BOO! Somehow I was not expecting Ajantis (couldn’t you have sent him to whatever is the alternative of Windspear Hills in this universe?) – but he is a regular party pooper, that’s for sure. What a sour pickle.

I read Ajantis as being the annoying, stuck-up type with no sense of humor... or, as Imoen once put it, he's a member of that order of "paladins and clerics who run around getting outraged at everything." Figured he'd work well for this role.

Ewwww… yeah, thanks indeed… I bet she wishes it would be a schnitzel instead…

Now I'm getting hungry. :)

That bastard Ajantis… throwing them behind bars just before the operation, uhhhh, he deserves something more than just having his hair shaved…

Well, we could always replace his daily vitamin tablet with laxatives...

LOL! She’s got some nerve… and I wouldn’t do that, because I think that Ajantis has a very short fuse!

Nerve? Oh yeah. You betcha. But, she also outranks him, and she's a better soldier overall.

They had nerve to lock Jaheira up as well? I wouldn’t have dared…

Well, to be fair, she -was- involved in that Mess Hall disaster. Pretty heavily involved, too, even if she didn't originally want to be.

But a perfect exchange and a perfect example of Jaheira’s dry sense of humor.

:lol: I agree that her sense of humor is very dry. It's one of the few things she actually -is- subtle about, if you ask me.

Urgh, it’s that ugly bug Ulraunt! Squish it, SQUISH IT NOW!

He IS a bum. Jerk had Enara and company locked up. Good thing Tethtoril sprung us, though. :)

Incarceration totals longer than two years? Whoa… nah, can’t be quite truth, can it?

I get the feeling that Viconia's been in prison before... a LOT of prison time, too. :)

Hey, I don’t remember those being a part of that food fight…

Oh, they were there... I just didn't actually write any sequences for them.

AAAAAARGH… well, now even a severe, brooding person as myself is shaking with uncontrollable laughter…

(Thumbs up) Awesome. :)


*can’t laugh anymore*

*throat badly sore*

So Mazzy did make a report about the Icy-Hot incident?

Different Icy-Hot incident. There have been at least two. :) And even if Mazzy didn't report the second one, someone -did- report the first.

Quite a short list of crimes (understandable!), but all very fitting! We need to make her list longer, Alpha!

Ok... well, then YOU come up with some ideas. :D

Theo: Actually, that’s very appropriate, though for reasons Jan would not know about…

Er... sensual massage? :)

Ooooh, bad Eddie, very bad! My, the dude has some operation running here… one cunning fox, Eddie is!

Now, I just can’t help but wonder where does he get the actors for his ‘patriotic’ films…

Academy cadets don't know any better. They're gullible. :)

Bwahahah! Perfect ending, very nice touch from Jaheira!

*wanders off to do something about that coughing*

Can't always give Imoen the good closer lines... it's Jaheira's turn in the spotlight this time. :)

Er... you want some Robitussin for that cough? :D

#9 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 11 February 2004 - 07:48 AM

*is glad her mom isn't home at this moment to ask her why she's laughing since she's supposed to be doing HOMEWORK .*

:) I know the feeling. There's a way around it: I'd stay after school (in the library, sometimes the cafeteria) and do all my homework there. That way, once I got home, I could goof off as much as I wanted. :)

We're not even supposed to be on the internet, much less doing stuff not related to school . . .

Gotta be more careful... you don't wanna get busted. It'll suck, I'm sure. :lol:

Another great chappie! Can't wait to see how this crazy bunch manages to corrupt Valy!

Well, it might be a while. He's not gonna be too eager to let go of his sanity. They'll really have to work him over.

Hehe, soon Val will have his own list of 'can'ts'
-I will not try to kill Viconia, Edwin, Jan, nor anyone else who actually manages to get under my skin.
-I will not be talked into crazy, yet amusing stunts by Mazzy or Imoen.
-I will not sing nor otherwise hum within 100 yards of another intelligent being.
-I will not sing nor hum, period.

I can also see Vic later having:
-I will not antagonize people about their sexuality nor sex life

-I will not say 'turnip' more than two times in a single speaking
-I will not tell pointless stories about turnips
-I will not try to make everyone I meet try a turnip
-I will not create ballads about turnips and sing them at 12:00 at night

1. I don't think Valygar would attempt to kill Viconia, Edwin, or Jan... in theory, they're all on the same side, after all. :)

2. Crazy, yet amusing stunts? Oh, he's already getting there... Falynn and Imoen have already started on that. He doesn't have a chance.

3. What's wrong with the singing/humming? Nothing, I say... nothing! :)


#10 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 11 February 2004 - 08:08 AM

As a wise man once said (I think it might have been me, but I was drunk at the time): If God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.


I wish I could have used that against the militant vegans I ran into in college... but since most of them were also militant atheists... (Shrug)

(Sigh) Oh well. I made it a point to eat rare steaks in front of them whenever possible. :)

You can do some neat stuff with tofu. Just please, stop trying to deal with meat guilt and just use it instead of trying to make meat replacements.

Well, don't get me wrong. I'm ok with vegetables. I mean, sure, I like a good vegetable dish. I've even had some really good vegan brownies. But tofu scares me. I just... I can't eat it.

One of the more disturbing titles you've come up with.

I almost titled the chapter "The List" because of... well, the list at the end. Glad I changed that. :)

I love the last line... hehehe.

Her Screen Actors' Guild contract states that she needs to have at least one solid "BURN!" line per chapter. There are usually more, but legal obligations only require one. :)

Now, I can see where his ire might come from. I'd be pretty ticked if someone shaved my head too. She's lucky she didn't 'try to escape' or 'fall down some stairs'

Well, yeah... ok... if you have hair, you usually don't want to lose it. I guess you're right. But I can't really fault her for this one. Ajantis IS a bit of an @$$, after all.

Ugh... now that would screw with concentration. And I bet Theo's right too, she'd be happier if it were more along the line of a weinerschnitzel.

Falynn: "I'm all OVER the sausage..."

Imoen: (Snicker)

Falynn: "Er... I mean..."

Imoen: "Ohhhhh, no, honey... too late to save that one..."

Falynn: (Grumble)

Gorion's Imoen: "You know, she's right. Hey Bran, how bout some pink curtains for the bridge? They'd really spruce it up."

Bran: "No. Try it and I'll have Nalia vent your cabin to space."

Imoen: "She wouldn't!"

Bran: *Wicked grin* "She would if she found out that her music crystal collection wasn't left behind on Vitala III."

Imoen: "You wouldn't."

Bran: *Smiles*

Imoen: "Punk."

Glad to see blackmail and blatant exploitation run in the family. :D

And yeah... Bran IS a punk. :)

Hehehe.. wonder who can't sing.

His callsign is "Bard" if that helps any. :lol:

Oh, this bugger. Bah.

"Bah," indeed.

The fact that they were still alive must really tick him off. Especially when a lot of good people are dead, and especially a lot of people he considers to be 'better' people. Expectations just suck sometimes.

That's definitely a good point. For someone like Ulraunt, you can't have a good soldier without "discipline," and this bunch is clearly some of the most undisciplined freaks, geeks, and weirdos that you'll ever find. He just can't seem to reconcile their apparent competency with the fact that they also act like lunatics. To be honest, sometimes I can't see how that works out, either.

Nice description here. Get a much better sense of what Falynn looks like.

I wish I could draw. :(

But since I cannot, I must paint the picture with words.

(Gag) :)

Little did he know, the V-Man is going to fit right in... eventually. He's got the right sense of humor.

I imagine it's like Jaheira's - mostly subtle, but really biting when it needs to be.

He must get some weird sort of pleasure out of this...

Probably. Gets his jollies out of forcing a bunch of misfits to do exactly what he tells them to do... considering they normally don't.

Bwahahahaha!! Some true winners here!! Especially the Dwarven MPs. Especially if Korgan is one of em, because he might just be after her 'lucky charms'

Korgan works the flight deck. :)

I was laughing for a good couple minutes after this recitation. Absolutely top grade insanity!!!

Only the best for our pink-haired whirling dervish of destruction. :)

Bran: Although, Jah certainly can play Dr. Feelgood whenever she wants.
Viga: I second that, but those words coming out of Jan's mouth... ugh.
Bran: Yeah, but the question is, how did Jan survive saying them.
Viga: Good question.

Hmmmm... that -is- a good question. I don't have an answer for you.

"Especially Patriotic"? That is inspired!!

Edwin is a brilliant man. Twisted beyond belief, but still brilliant. :)

Great ending.. and a perfect Jaheira line as well!

Great stuff.. you had me laughing and good!

I'm glad. Figured I'd get in one more good, solid "funny" chapter before things start getting all grim again.

#11 Laufey

Posted 13 February 2004 - 05:25 AM

Random note: No offense to all you vegetarians/vegans out there, but seriously, the very concept of a tofurkey makes my skin crawl. Shame on you. :wink:

Second note: Um... yeah, so I should probably slap -some- kind of "warning label" on this thing, just in case some of the "jokes" near the end of this post not go over well for some reason or another. :(

I guess I'm not that easily offended, I thought it was a scream! :D

The MPs didn’t seem to notice the annoyed muttering; either that, or they simply didn’t care. Judging by the expression on Corporal Ajantis Dresarin‘s face, it was most likely the latter. But despite all outward signs that the young man was utterly devoid of humor, Lieutenant Imoen Llyr wasn’t about to give up without tossing around a mandatory withering bon mot. Contractual obligations aside, she would have done it just for the kicks.

“How’s it going, Cue Ball?” she asked, sweetly, drawing upon deep-buried reserves of insolence and finding nerve enough to rap her bare knuckles against his bald head.

Go Immy! :twisted:

The only response she got for her trouble was a withering glare, and a harsh poke in the back from a truncheon. “Get moving...” he growled from behind her.

She did as requested, allowing the MPs to herd her and the rest of her posse into the center of the Mess Hall. She sidled in close to Falynn; her older sister wore a sour expression as she shifted awkwardly from foot to foot. “I don’t get it,” Imoen began, “someone breaks into his quarters, shaves his head while he’s asleep, and he assumes it’s me…” She sighed in cute, but indignant frustration. “I get blamed for -everything- around here.”

Can't imagine why. :wink: It seems such an appropriate fate for him too.

“What’s the problem now, Lieutenant?” Dresarin groused, smacking the end of his baton against his open palm menacingly.

“Sorry…” she replied, adopting a pronounced squint, and holding a hand up to shade her eyes. “Temporary blindness… all that light reflecting off your bald head.”

She's so charming! :D Your Imoen seems to have adopted Edwin's mode of conversation. How could I not love her?

The aging Naval officer paced his ready room. He avoided the hunched-over posture many others his age were forced to assume, instead keeping his back ramrod straight, head held high, chin lifted in an imperious tilt. He kept his hands clasped together behind his back as he walked to and fro, stopping every so often to glare at one of the figures standing at attention and waiting for his next move.


“Corthala…” The newly transferred Sergeant had already suffered a close brush with the corruption that festered aboard the Gallante. Minutes after his arrival, he had already been involved with one of the worst disruptions the ship had ever experienced. Ulraunt hoped the grizzled Sergeant was made of sterner stuff than he looked to be. Omega Black needed some manner of mediating influence, and Valygar was currently the only thing remotely resembling such a force.

Ulraunt moved on. The Omegas were -always- the primary instigators, but by no means were they the sole party responsible. He rattled off more names, branding one offender after another.





Anomen, Viconia and Edwin, eh? *mind boggles at thought of Edwin in the army, then promptly breaks down*

- I am not allowed to threaten anyone with black magic; I am not allowed to challenge anyone’s disbelief of black magic by asking for hair.
- The Dwarven MPs are not after 'Me frosted Lucky Charms'.
- I am not allowed to add 'In accordance with the prophecy' to the end of every sentence.
- When asked to give a few words at a military ceremony, ‘Romper Bomper Stomper Boo' is not appropriate.
- I am not allowed to mount a bayonet on a crew-served weapon.
- I am not allowed to trade my rifle for any of the following: Cigarettes, booze, sexual favors, Orcish Gauss rifles, Sahaugin Armored vehicles, small children, or bootleg holodiscs.
- I am not allowed to teach other soldiers to say offensive and crude things in Goblin, under the guise of teaching them how to say potentially useful phrases.
- I am not allowed to drink three quarts of blue food coloring before a urine test.
- Nor am I allowed to drink three quarts of red food coloring, and scream during the same.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! :wink: Sounds like she has had lots of fun.

Imoen picked up the narration:

- I am not allowed to get silicone breast implants.
- “My proper military title is ‘Lieutenant Llyr’ not ‘Princess Anastasia’.”
- I am not allowed to let sock puppets take responsibility for any of my actions.
- I am not allowed to let sock puppets take command of my post.
- I am not allowed to chew gum at muster, unless I brought enough for everybody.
- I am not allowed to chew gum at muster even if I -did- bring enough for everybody.
- I am not allowed to sing the following song during airborne operations: “See the earth below/Soon to make a crater/Blue sky, black death, I'm off to meet my maker.”
- “It is better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission,” no longer applies to me.
- I am not allowed to use the following words and phrases in a cadence: Budding sexuality, necrophilia, I hate everyone on this ship and wish they were dead, personal lubrication, all Fleet officers are latent homosexuals, Tantric yoga, Götterdämmerung, Calishite hooker, we've all got jackboots now, slut puppy, or any references to squid.
- "Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, turn around" is -not- a cadence.
- I am not allowed to go EVA and paint pink bunnies on the side of the ship.
- If the thought of something makes me giggle for longer than 15 seconds, I am to assume that I am not allowed to do it.
- I am not allowed to use smiley faces to mark minefields.
- Claymore mines are not filled with yummy candy, and it is wrong to tell newbies that they are.
- Two drink limit does not mean first and last.
- Two drink limit does not mean two kinds of drinks.
- Two drink limit does not mean the drinks can be as large as I like.
- “No Drinking Of Alcoholic Beverages” does not imply that intravenous consumption is acceptable.
- “I’m drunk,” is a bad answer to any question posed by my commander.
- Putting Good & Plenty into a prescription medicine bottle, and then eating them all at muster is not funny.
- I am not allowed to treat “piss-bottles” with extra-strength Icy-Hot.

And Imoen too. :D

Jaheira was next to take up the baton:

- I am not allowed to add pictures of officers I don’t like to war criminal posters.
- I am not allowed to tell any officer that I am smarter than they are, especially if it's true.
- I am not allowed to wake a superior officer by repeatedly banging on the head with a bag of trash.
- “A full magazine and some privacy” is -not- the way to help a potential suicide.
- Bodychecking Admirals is not a good idea.

*grin* I can certainly see her doing the second one at least.

Viconia DeVir’s turn to speak arrived:

- “Napalm sticks to kids” is -not- a motivational phrase.
- I am not allowed to perform any military functions while “Skyclad.”
- I am not allowed to pretend to be a fascist stormtrooper while on duty.
- Burn pits for classified materiel are not revel fires – therefore I am not allowed to dance naked around them.
- I am not allowed to perform “lap-dances” while in uniform.
- If I take the uniform off, in the course of the lap-dance, it still counts.

Who got the lap dance, I wonder?

And finally to Edwin Odesseiron:

- I am not allowed to use the Admiral’s personal shuttle for taquito runs.
- I am not allowed to operate a business out of the barracks.
- Especially not a pornographic holo-movie studio.
- Not even if they -are- “especially patriotic films.”
- I am not allowed to use the loudspeaker system to broadcast the soundtrack to a porno movie.
- I am not allowed to taunt officers in the throes of nicotine withdrawal, with cigarettes.
- I am not allowed to take incriminating photos of my chain of command.
- I am not allowed to use Engineering department computers to -create- incriminating photos of my chain of command.

And this I can also totally see happening! :D
Rogues do it from behind.

#12 Guest_AlphaMonkey_*

Posted 13 February 2004 - 07:11 PM

Your Imoen seems to have adopted Edwin's mode of conversation. How could I not love her?

Er... what mode is that? The "I insult you every chance I get" style of conversation? :roll:

Anomen, Viconia and Edwin, eh? *mind boggles at thought of Edwin in the army, then promptly breaks down*


Easy. Anomen is a combat trooper, Viconia is medical, and Edwin is like technical support (Engineering Division).

Then again, Jan is Engineering Division, and he's out on the front lines in the powered suit of armor... hmm...

Who got the lap dance, I wonder?

Er... more like "Who on the ship -hasn't- gotte one?" :)

And this I can also totally see happening!

Well, you're the expert. Thanks for the confirmation. :)

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