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Rush Of Blood To The Head, part 7.9.

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#1 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 04 December 2003 - 05:09 AM

Finally we make some advancement in plot terms… there is a bit of action as well and Edwin finally gets to summon a demon… which admittedly isn't the first time for him in this story :wink:

Oh… and my Rillifane is VERY different from the game, and some of the things there are contradicting the canon as well – but since I wanted to make the whole talk more lighter and humorous, I chose to abuse the canon a bit. :shock:


Rush Of Blood To The Head, part 7.9.

We return to the campsite at about nightfall, the small meadow sinking in twilight. I am not sure why I do not feel any tiredness at all, after our exertions at the brook, perhaps it is the mysterious magic of this place… or perhaps it is simply because this time we chose to exchange the fiery passion for quiet tenderness? In any case, this is not the time to ponder about such things or spend the time revelling in the pleasant memories about the occurrences of the past few hours… the most important thing is that it has instilled in me such will to live and succeed, that I truly believe that we will not fail in our quest.

Viconia is the only one who isn’t sleeping and I see that even Keldorn is taking a peaceful nap, having finally chosen to remove his beloved full plate whose color to me has always resembled that of rotten oranges. It would be such a shame to wake everyone up, now that they are sleeping so calmly… but luckily that wonderfully remorseless woman, whose arm is still wrapped around my waist, harbours no such silly and sentimental notions as she yells for everyone to get up and ready for the battles to come.

With our help, Keldorn gets canned into his full plate rather quickly and we move out of the glade and up the stairs towards the city proper. Luckily no huge crowds of monsters await us in our path and the road we cleared on our way here still looks quite safe. However, our plan is not to return to where we came from, but instead to locate the second artifact, according to Demin it is in a house in near vicinity and likely held by enemies.

The tedious job to inspect every house on our way resumes, as we push towards the palace. Imoen has her work cut out, exploring and informing us of what lies ahead and in one of the houses near the palace we stumble upon a group of those carnivorous predators known to us as rakshasa.

The ensuing battle is quick and hectic, Edwin and Imoen casting wilting spells and immediately killing off some of the tiger-headed creatures, the rest of us engaging in melee fight. The leader of this gang goes down as the last, but not before hitting us with some very nasty spells – the cloud of those noxious fumes that appeared in the room after the creature’s chanting was especially dangerous and only quick thinking from Jaheira as she countered the spell with one of her own, refreshing the air and removing the poisonous gases, saved us from more serious harm.

Edwin explains that the leader of this group was indeed one of those rakshasa maharajahs, very dangerous opponents and I silently hope that we do not meet any of these again – for the reasons Edwin mentioned before, our weapons seemed to do very little damage to the critter and only with the combined efforts of the four of us, we managed to take him down. While Viconia and Jaheira are casting healing spells on us, Imoen is busy searching the bodies for valuable treasure and much to the delight of us all, she retrieves an amulet with an oak tree engraved on it and Jaheira recognizes it as the symbol of Rillifane Ralathil.

We leave the house in high spirits and cross a half-circle around the city centre to avoid the palace gates and start to look for a structure that would resemble a temple of sorts. After a few fights with golems and elementals, we reach a building that can’t be mistaken for a normal dwelling… just as the palace, its design is fully artificial, but it is so well integrated into the surrounding landscape that the resulting view can be considered as a dessert for the aesthete’s eyes… though, of course, from us only Edwin considers himself to be one.

Since we know that the enemy is inside the temple and Imoen concludes that she can’t get past the main door without attracting attention of those inside, we make our preparations outside and once the spells have been cast, we push the wide doors aside and step into the temple. And what awaits us inside is a rather unpleasant combination of enemies, indeed… a human male, wearing mage robes, a huge iron golem, a demon and one of those rakshasa’s…

“A Balor! Ah, I have something special for you, twerp!” Edwin exclaims and starts to recite a spell, I realize that the best I can do is to hope that he knows what he is doing and leave the demon as his responsibility.

Meanwhile, Imoen and Nalia both react quickly, casting their spells and afterwards immediately starting to toss small, fiery pebbles at the carcass of the iron golem and the construct starts to glow from the magical heat. Viconia jumps to face the rakshasa in hopes to distract it from the spell casting.

“You and Keldorn take the mage, I will distract the golem,” Jaheira yells and rushes towards the iron construct that is struggling to get to Nalia and Imoen, eager to crush them to pieces. Keldorn and I lounge forwards and come face to face with the sneering mage; he is obviously feeling quite confident behind the layers of magical protections.

Edwin’s spell goes off and a burning portal appears in the middle of the hall and much to my dismay a Pit Fiend of huge proportions steps through it… but thankfully Edwin’s calculations have not been wrong and it immediately focuses it’s attention on the most hated Balor and soon enough the two demons are engaged in a deadly battle. Edwin now comes to help Keldorn and me by stripping the enemy mage’s protections, but he is a touch too late and the mage manages to get a spell off…

Streams of hot, burning fire envelop us and I feel my flesh getting scorched as I roar in pain, but continue to hack at the mage, gritting my teeth and ignoring the insufferable heat that surrounds us. The spell seems to have helped Imoen and Nalia’s efforts in getting rid of the golem, as it glows in a burning red before Jaheira whacks it with her scimitar on the side and huge cracks appear in the golem’s carcass, before it shatters and bits and pieces of iron drop on the floor.

Edwin finally casts the counter-spell and as it takes the effect on the mage, all of his protections are removed at once and the self-satisfied expression on his face changes to the one of fear and disbelief. Keldorn wastes no more time to run through a sword through his stomach before we all hastily retreat from the radius of the enemy mage’s spell in order to avoid getting even more burns.

The demons are still battling each other, thus we charge to help Viconia, who is involved in fighting the rakshasa and shortly after our arrival the creature falls on the floor, dead. Now, the only thing to do is to wait for the winner of the fight of the demons and then present him with a prize – swift death from our hands.

“How’s about a bet, Eddie?” Imoen asks cheerfully, while Jaheira and Viconia, treat Keldorn and I with healing spells to remedy our burns and hopefully to help the skin to regenerate as fast as possible.

“Ha! There can only be one winner, the demons that I summon never lose,” Edwin retorts.

“Fine, I’m putting hundred coppers on the Balor,” Imoen laughs.

“Pah! That just shows how foolish you are… I’ll put a hundred on my Pit Fiend, of course,” Edwin smirks, before addressing us, “what about the rest of you, fools? Except the paladin of course, no doubt he considers betting to be abhorrent and sinful.”

“A hundred on… ouch… the Pit Fiend,” Keldorn says, wincing at the pain of injury, waiting for Viconia to follow up with more healing spells.

“Really, can’t you think of anything more inappropriate to do than betting on the fight of two demons in the temple of Rillifane?” Jaheira makes her feelings known, after she has finished patching me up.

Luckily, there is no time for anyone to argue back as the Balor falls under the Pit Fiend’s assault and we move to swiftly dispose of the weakened enemy, before it has managed to use any of its powerful spell-like abilities on us. Imoen then searches the bloodied corpse of the mage to retrieve an ancient elven moonblade and I produce the amulet and the goblet from my pack. Jaheira takes the items from our hands and carefully places them on the altar in the middle of the room…

We all await for something remarkable to occur, thinking that Rillifane will reveal himself to us with a great pomp… instead, we only feel the sound of rustling leaves and a faint smell of freshly cut grass spreading around us. We all turn around to stand face to face with a very awkward looking figure… an elven man, no taller than I, and of much more slender build, his hair raven black and falling down in long unkempt strands. I have difficulties to discern whether the strange outfit he wears is actually a cloth or is it his own skin… looking like a tree-bark, overgrown with leaves of many different colors. In his hands, he holds large oaken staff, still sprouting fresh leaves… and I gather that this is Rillifane himself, but he looks so… casual and… awkwardly unimpressive.

“This better be good, mortals,” the elven god speaks in a quiet and pleasant voice, “you have disturbed me in the middle of my date with Sehanine… and even talking her into it was awfully difficult. So, what transpires here that requires my attention?”

Jaheira looks at me before speaking as if to check if this all is real, then she licks her lips before addressing the Leaflord, “Jon Irenicus… The Exile, he…”

“Ah, so the madman has returned,” Rillifane looks grim, “and once again he pushes ahead with his plan, committing sacrilege against the Tree of Life. I tried to convince Ellesime that her idea of punishment was not just and would only lead to more suffering in the future, but no… she just whined and whined, until I finally had to give in. If any of you mortals have daughters, you would know that sometimes it is impossible to refuse them…”

Keldorn only coughs politely and I gather the courage to address the god myself, “Um… we were told that you will be able to help against The Exile…”

“You would want that mortal, wouldn’t you?” Rillifane grins, “However, The Exile holds my daughter imprisoned within his corruptive magics… they prevent me to come near him, or my daughter will be harmed. He uses her link to the Tree… to drain it of its power.”

“Why is he draining the Tree? What are his goals?” Jaheira asks and the veneration that was in her voice moments before appears to have vanished.

“The Exile seeks to join the Seldarine, to become a god, as he sought once before,” Rillifane explains.

“So… he seeks to actually become an elven god…” Viconia whispers, “I have to hand it to him, he is more ambitious like anyone I have ever known… fascinating…”

“But how would he achieve it? Corellon would never allow that, he would never accept-” Jaheira is shocked.

“That is assuming he has a say in it,” I add my comment.

“Mortals! The Tree of Life must not perish, or the elven race will suffer,” Rillifane raises his voice, perhaps slightly annoyed at our disrespectful chatting, “I have called the spirits of this wood to defeat the evil that the Exile has brought amongst us. The streets of the city are cleansed. Mortals, you seek to defeat The Exile. Free she who is of my blood from his imprisonment, and she will sever the link he uses with the Tree.”

“We must get into the palace, in order to do that,” Viconia points out.

“The Gates are unsealed. That is all I can do, mortals,” Rillifane says, “With this I shall take my leave… and for your sake, I hope that Sehanine is still waiting for me, or else I will haunt you in your dreams for the next century. I wish you luck, mortals.”

And with these words, the avatar of the Leaflord disappears from our sight. There are no more obstacles between Jon Irenicus and us.

#2 Laufey

Posted 04 December 2003 - 02:17 PM

Finally we make some advancement in plot terms… there is a bit of action as well and Edwin finally gets to summon a demon… which admittedly isn't the first time for him in this story :twisted:

Oh… and my Rillifane is VERY different from the game, and some of the things there are contradicting the canon as well – but since I wanted to make the whole talk more lighter and humorous, I chose to abuse the canon a bit. :)

I like deviations, as you know. :twisted:


Rush Of Blood To The Head, part 7.9.

We return to the campsite at about nightfall, the small meadow sinking in twilight. I am not sure why I do not feel any tiredness at all, after our exertions at the brook, perhaps it is the mysterious magic of this place… or perhaps it is simply because this time we chose to exchange the fiery passion for quiet tenderness? In any case, this is not the time to ponder about such things or spend the time revelling in the pleasant memories about the occurrences of the past few hours… the most important thing is that it has instilled in me such will to live and succeed, that I truly believe that we will not fail in our quest.

That meadow is a very pretty place, after the dragon is dead. I wouldn't mind spending some time there myself.

We leave the house in high spirits and cross a half-circle around the city centre to avoid the palace gates and start to look for a structure that would resemble a temple of sorts. After a few fights with golems and elementals, we reach a building that can’t be mistaken for a normal dwelling… just as the palace, its design is fully artificial, but it is so well integrated into the surrounding landscape that the resulting view can be considered as a dessert for the aesthete’s eyes… though, of course, from us only Edwin considers himself to be one.

I think that palace looks like it's made from candy or something.

Since we know that the enemy is inside the temple and Imoen concludes that she can’t get past the main door without attracting attention of those inside, we make our preparations outside and once the spells have been cast, we push the wide doors aside and step into the temple. And what awaits us inside is a rather unpleasant combination of enemies, indeed… a human male, wearing mage robes, a huge iron golem, a demon and one of those rakshasa’s…

“A Balor! Ah, I have something special for you, twerp!” Edwin exclaims and starts to recite a spell, I realize that the best I can do is to hope that he knows what he is doing and leave the demon as his responsibility.


Edwin’s spell goes off and a burning portal appears in the middle of the hall and much to my dismay a Pit Fiend of huge proportions steps through it… but thankfully Edwin’s calculations have not been wrong and it immediately focuses it’s attention on the most hated Balor and soon enough the two demons are engaged in a deadly battle. Edwin now comes to help Keldorn and me by stripping the enemy mage’s protections, but he is a touch too late and the mage manages to get a spell off…

Oh, good. He's having better luck than he will in *my* story. :twisted:

“How’s about a bet, Eddie?” Imoen asks cheerfully, while Jaheira and Viconia, treat Keldorn and I with healing spells to remedy our burns and hopefully to help the skin to regenerate as fast as possible.

“Ha! There can only be one winner, the demons that I summon never lose,” Edwin retorts.

Of course. :twisted:

We all await for something remarkable to occur, thinking that Rillifane will reveal himself to us with a great pomp… instead, we only feel the sound of rustling leaves and a faint smell of freshly cut grass spreading around us. We all turn around to stand face to face with a very awkward looking figure… an elven man, no taller than I, and of much more slender build, his hair raven black and falling down in long unkempt strands. I have difficulties to discern whether the strange outfit he wears is actually a cloth or is it his own skin… looking like a tree-bark, overgrown with leaves of many different colors. In his hands, he holds large oaken staff, still sprouting fresh leaves… and I gather that this is Rillifane himself, but he looks so… casual and… awkwardly unimpressive.

Well, I prefer this look to the 'jolly green giant' one, for certain.

“Ah, so the madman has returned,” Rillifane looks grim, “and once again he pushes ahead with his plan, committing sacrilege against the Tree of Life. I tried to convince Ellesime that her idea of punishment was not just and would only lead to more suffering in the future, but no… she just whined and whined, until I finally had to give in. If any of you mortals have daughters, you would know that sometimes it is impossible to refuse them…”

Oh, I'm not surprised. :twisted:

“We must get into the palace, in order to do that,” Viconia points out.

“The Gates are unsealed. That is all I can do, mortals,” Rillifane says, “With this I shall take my leave… and for your sake, I hope that Sehanine is still waiting for me, or else I will haunt you in your dreams for the next century. I wish you luck, mortals.”

And with these words, the avatar of the Leaflord disappears from our sight. There are no more obstacles between Jon Irenicus and us.

And now it will be a piece of cake. :twisted:
Rogues do it from behind.

#3 Guest_Chantrys_*

Posted 04 December 2003 - 02:27 PM

Finally we make some advancement in plot terms… there is a bit of action as well and Edwin finally gets to summon a demon… which admittedly isn't the first time for him in this story :roll:

I know he's thrilled. I can feel his gloating from here. :twisted:

Oh… and my Rillifane is VERY different from the game, and some of the things there are contradicting the canon as well – but since I wanted to make the whole talk more lighter and humorous, I chose to abuse the canon a bit. :twisted:

:twisted: Fine by me! A bit of humor is definitely welcome in this city.

It would be such a shame to wake everyone up, now that they are sleeping so calmly… but luckily that wonderfully remorseless woman, whose arm is still wrapped around my waist, harbours no such silly and sentimental notions as she yells for everyone to get up and ready for the battles to come.

Next she'll start banging on Keldorn's armor with her quarterstaff, the way camp counselors bang garbage can lids together to wake their charges. Good times...good times...

The tedious job to inspect every house on our way resumes, as we push towards the palace.

What do you mean, tedious? This is a golden opportunity to loot every home...oh, yeah. You have a paladin with you. Sorry. :twisted:

“A Balor! Ah, I have something special for you, twerp!” Edwin exclaims and starts to recite a spell, I realize that the best I can do is to hope that he knows what he is doing and leave the demon as his responsibility.

Giving the demon a present? How thoughtful of you, Eddie. :twisted:

Edwin’s spell goes off and a burning portal appears in the middle of the hall and much to my dismay a Pit Fiend of huge proportions steps through it…

Eeek! Hope Viconia remembered to cast Protection From Evil!

“How’s about a bet, Eddie?” Imoen asks cheerfully, while Jaheira and Viconia, treat Keldorn and I with healing spells to remedy our burns and hopefully to help the skin to regenerate as fast as possible.

“Ha! There can only be one winner, the demons that I summon never lose,” Edwin retorts.


“A hundred on… ouch… the Pit Fiend,” Keldorn says, wincing at the pain of injury, waiting for Viconia to follow up with more healing spells.

:) Keldorn! I'm surprised at you...well, actually I'm not. He does have a sense of humor, after all. :oops:

“Really, can’t you think of anything more inappropriate to do than betting on the fight of two demons in the temple of Rillifane?”

Yes. You could give Theo a little loving or something... (*ducks and runs away*)

“This better be good, mortals,” the elven god speaks in a quiet and pleasant voice, “you have disturbed me in the middle of my date with Sehanine… and even talking her into it was awfully difficult. So, what transpires here that requires my attention?”

He reminds me of Cernd...if Cernd were a god :wink:

“Mortals! The Tree of Life must not perish, or the elven race will suffer,” Rillifane raises his voice, perhaps slightly annoyed at our disrespectful chatting,

LOL! Poor gods...all these mortals talking over their pronouncements. I'm sure it's very trying for them.

And with these words, the avatar of the Leaflord disappears from our sight. There are no more obstacles between Jon Irenicus and us.

Bull. :wink: Great chapter!

#4 Guest_Yazston_*

Posted 04 December 2003 - 02:36 PM

Finally we make some advancement in plot terms… there is a bit of action as well and Edwin finally gets to summon a demon… which admittedly isn't the first time for him in this story :twisted:

Yeah! You go, Eddie! :)

Edwin explains that the leader of this group was indeed one of those rakshasa maharajahs, very dangerous opponents and I silently hope that we do not meet any of these again – for the reasons Edwin mentioned before, our weapons seemed to do very little damage to the critter

Why is everybody so mean to him...? :twisted: I mean, he knows a lot of things and helps!

Hehheh!! :oops:

And what awaits us inside is a rather unpleasant combination of enemies, indeed… a human male, wearing mage robes, a huge iron golem, a demon and one of those rakshasa’s…

Jon-Jon is a very mighty person... I mean the demons, the raksasha, the mages, the drow, the golems, the elementals... wow!

Edwin exclaims and starts to recite a spell, I realize that the best I can do is to hope that he knows what he is doing and leave the demon as his responsibility.

Uh-oh! I hope he remembers the 'Protection from Evil' spell...

but thankfully Edwin’s calculations have not been wrong and it immediately focuses it’s attention on the most hated Balor and soon enough the two demons are engaged in a deadly battle.

*phew* Go Edwin!! Yeah!! :twisted:

Streams of hot, burning fire envelop us and I feel my flesh getting scorched as I roar in pain, but continue to hack at the mage, gritting my teeth and ignoring the insufferable heat that surrounds us.

Ouch! Ouch! That must have hurt... a lot! Poor Theo.

Keldorn wastes no more time to run through a sword through his stomach before we all hastily retreat from the radius of the enemy mage’s spell in order to avoid getting even more burns.

I'd change that: 'Keldorn wastes no more time to run a sword through his stomach'. I don't think you need two 'through's in there.

“Really, can’t you think of anything more inappropriate to do than betting on the fight of two demons in the temple of Rillifane?” Jaheira makes her feelings known, after she has finished patching me up.

*groan* Jaheira, you are too serious all the time! :wink:

and I gather that this is Rillifane himself, but he looks so… casual and… awkwardly unimpressive.

lol Theo! He's a god!! Don't be too nice to him... um, I meant... 'mean'! :twisted:

“This better be good, mortals,” the elven god speaks in a quiet and pleasant voice, “you have disturbed me in the middle of my date with Sehanine… and even talking her into it was awfully difficult. So, what transpires here that requires my attention?”

A date with Sehanine Moonbow... lol

“You would want that mortal, wouldn’t you?” Rillifane grins, “However, The Exile holds my daughter imprisoned within his corruptive magics… they prevent me to come near him, or my daughter will be harmed. He uses her link to the Tree… to drain it of its power.”

*sigh* You want to free her? And let her do more stupid things? :twisted:

“Mortals! The Tree of Life must not perish, or the elven race will suffer,” Rillifane raises his voice, perhaps slightly annoyed at our disrespectful chatting,

Oh! Hey, does the Tree affect all the elves in Faerûn?

A Grrrreat episode as always! Thanks! :twisted:

#5 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 04 December 2003 - 04:26 PM

Oh… and my Rillifane is VERY different from the game, and some of the things there are contradicting the canon as well – but since I wanted to make the whole talk more lighter and humorous, I chose to abuse the canon a bit. :twisted:

I like deviations, as you know. :wink:

Oh, yes... I know! :D

We return to the campsite at about nightfall, the small meadow sinking in twilight. I am not sure why I do not feel any tiredness at all, after our exertions at the brook, perhaps it is the mysterious magic of this place… or perhaps it is simply because this time we chose to exchange the fiery passion for quiet tenderness? In any case, this is not the time to ponder about such things or spend the time revelling in the pleasant memories about the occurrences of the past few hours… the most important thing is that it has instilled in me such will to live and succeed, that I truly believe that we will not fail in our quest.

That meadow is a very pretty place, after the dragon is dead. I wouldn't mind spending some time there myself.

Yeah, it is very lovely - after you ask Eddie to disintegrate the body of the dead dragon :wink:

We leave the house in high spirits and cross a half-circle around the city centre to avoid the palace gates and start to look for a structure that would resemble a temple of sorts. After a few fights with golems and elementals, we reach a building that can’t be mistaken for a normal dwelling… just as the palace, its design is fully artificial, but it is so well integrated into the surrounding landscape that the resulting view can be considered as a dessert for the aesthete’s eyes… though, of course, from us only Edwin considers himself to be one.

I think that palace looks like it's made from candy or something.

Yep, it's a really funny place - and all that's inside is a lone hazel-tree! :roll:

“A Balor! Ah, I have something special for you, twerp!” Edwin exclaims and starts to recite a spell, I realize that the best I can do is to hope that he knows what he is doing and leave the demon as his responsibility.


Well, my Edwin might be just a little bit more reliable than yours... but maybe yours will also have improved when you get to Suldanessellar. Though, I won't hope for that - he's much more fun when he messes things up! :)

Edwin’s spell goes off and a burning portal appears in the middle of the hall and much to my dismay a Pit Fiend of huge proportions steps through it… but thankfully Edwin’s calculations have not been wrong and it immediately focuses it’s attention on the most hated Balor and soon enough the two demons are engaged in a deadly battle. Edwin now comes to help Keldorn and me by stripping the enemy mage’s protections, but he is a touch too late and the mage manages to get a spell off…

Oh, good. He's having better luck than he will in *my* story. :lol:

I'm not surprised about that... :twisted:

“How’s about a bet, Eddie?” Imoen asks cheerfully, while Jaheira and Viconia, treat Keldorn and I with healing spells to remedy our burns and hopefully to help the skin to regenerate as fast as possible.

“Ha! There can only be one winner, the demons that I summon never lose,” Edwin retorts.

Of course. :)

Eddie's Pit Fiends are of the highest quality!

We all await for something remarkable to occur, thinking that Rillifane will reveal himself to us with a great pomp… instead, we only feel the sound of rustling leaves and a faint smell of freshly cut grass spreading around us. We all turn around to stand face to face with a very awkward looking figure… an elven man, no taller than I, and of much more slender build, his hair raven black and falling down in long unkempt strands. I have difficulties to discern whether the strange outfit he wears is actually a cloth or is it his own skin… looking like a tree-bark, overgrown with leaves of many different colors. In his hands, he holds large oaken staff, still sprouting fresh leaves… and I gather that this is Rillifane himself, but he looks so… casual and… awkwardly unimpressive.

Well, I prefer this look to the 'jolly green giant' one, for certain.

On this instance I did go with the book, namely Faiths and Pantheons. Don't care for the Mr-I-Look-Like-A-Shambling-Mound myself. :oops:

“Ah, so the madman has returned,” Rillifane looks grim, “and once again he pushes ahead with his plan, committing sacrilege against the Tree of Life. I tried to convince Ellesime that her idea of punishment was not just and would only lead to more suffering in the future, but no… she just whined and whined, until I finally had to give in. If any of you mortals have daughters, you would know that sometimes it is impossible to refuse them…”

Oh, I'm not surprised. :twisted:


And with these words, the avatar of the Leaflord disappears from our sight. There are no more obstacles between Jon Irenicus and us.

And now it will be a piece of cake. :twisted:

Sure... Jon will just lay down and die, from seeing our unstoppable heroes coming for him. :twisted:

#6 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 04 December 2003 - 04:38 PM

Finally we make some advancement in plot terms… there is a bit of action as well and Edwin finally gets to summon a demon… which admittedly isn't the first time for him in this story :P

I know he's thrilled. I can feel his gloating from here. :roll:

Yes, the boy finally gets to be a real conjurer! :D

Oh… and my Rillifane is VERY different from the game, and some of the things there are contradicting the canon as well – but since I wanted to make the whole talk more lighter and humorous, I chose to abuse the canon a bit. :twisted:

:wink: Fine by me! A bit of humor is definitely welcome in this city.

Yep, yep! I'll try... but the next few episodes won't be very funny.

It would be such a shame to wake everyone up, now that they are sleeping so calmly… but luckily that wonderfully remorseless woman, whose arm is still wrapped around my waist, harbours no such silly and sentimental notions as she yells for everyone to get up and ready for the battles to come.

Next she'll start banging on Keldorn's armor with her quarterstaff, the way camp counselors bang garbage can lids together to wake their charges. Good times...good times...

Awww... and I'm sure that Jaheira would do that, if necessary :P

The tedious job to inspect every house on our way resumes, as we push towards the palace.

What do you mean, tedious? This is a golden opportunity to loot every home...oh, yeah. You have a paladin with you. Sorry. :lol:

Their bags are probably already overstuffed with all sorts of goodies... :D

“A Balor! Ah, I have something special for you, twerp!” Edwin exclaims and starts to recite a spell, I realize that the best I can do is to hope that he knows what he is doing and leave the demon as his responsibility.

Giving the demon a present? How thoughtful of you, Eddie. :)

A female demon, perhaps? Though, I believe that they are genderless... I could be wrong, though.

Edwin’s spell goes off and a burning portal appears in the middle of the hall and much to my dismay a Pit Fiend of huge proportions steps through it…

Eeek! Hope Viconia remembered to cast Protection From Evil!


Good thing is that Edwin summoned a pit Fiend which is the mightiest of the baatezu demons, and the Balor is the mightiest of the tanar'ri, if I'm not mistaken. I think with all the Blood War going on between Baatezu and Tanar'rri, they will go for each other throats first, so the Protection From Evil luckily was not necessary. :D

“How’s about a bet, Eddie?” Imoen asks cheerfully, while Jaheira and Viconia, treat Keldorn and I with healing spells to remedy our burns and hopefully to help the skin to regenerate as fast as possible.

“Ha! There can only be one winner, the demons that I summon never lose,” Edwin retorts.



“A hundred on… ouch… the Pit Fiend,” Keldorn says, wincing at the pain of injury, waiting for Viconia to follow up with more healing spells.

:twisted: Keldorn! I'm surprised at you...well, actually I'm not. He does have a sense of humor, after all. :P

Hehe, I think so too... it's hidden quite deep, though... :oops:

“Really, can’t you think of anything more inappropriate to do than betting on the fight of two demons in the temple of Rillifane?”

Yes. You could give Theo a little loving or something... (*ducks and runs away*)

Theo: Yeah... why not? (*looks longingly*)

Jaheira: (*smacks Theo on the back of the head*)


“This better be good, mortals,” the elven god speaks in a quiet and pleasant voice, “you have disturbed me in the middle of my date with Sehanine… and even talking her into it was awfully difficult. So, what transpires here that requires my attention?”

He reminds me of Cernd...if Cernd were a god :P

:twisted: I shudder to think what would Cernd's portfolio would be... and how would he attract followers? :twisted:

“Mortals! The Tree of Life must not perish, or the elven race will suffer,” Rillifane raises his voice, perhaps slightly annoyed at our disrespectful chatting,

LOL! Poor gods...all these mortals talking over their pronouncements. I'm sure it's very trying for them.

Yeah, such disrespect! :P

And with these words, the avatar of the Leaflord disappears from our sight. There are no more obstacles between Jon Irenicus and us.

Bull. :P Great chapter!

Thanks! Tree of Life, next... :P

#7 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 04 December 2003 - 04:48 PM

Finally we make some advancement in plot terms… there is a bit of action as well and Edwin finally gets to summon a demon… which admittedly isn't the first time for him in this story :)

Yeah! You go, Eddie! :)

He sure showed them! :wink:

Edwin explains that the leader of this group was indeed one of those rakshasa maharajahs, very dangerous opponents and I silently hope that we do not meet any of these again – for the reasons Edwin mentioned before, our weapons seemed to do very little damage to the critter

Why is everybody so mean to him...? :twisted: I mean, he knows a lot of things and helps!

Theo: Hey we're not mean to him! Eddie's our buddy! :wink:

Hehheh!! :D


And what awaits us inside is a rather unpleasant combination of enemies, indeed… a human male, wearing mage robes, a huge iron golem, a demon and one of those rakshasa’s…

Jon-Jon is a very mighty person... I mean the demons, the raksasha, the mages, the drow, the golems, the elementals... wow!

he sure knew how to convince them all, didn't he?

Edwin exclaims and starts to recite a spell, I realize that the best I can do is to hope that he knows what he is doing and leave the demon as his responsibility.

Uh-oh! I hope he remembers the 'Protection from Evil' spell...

Edwin: A protection from what? Pah, you needn't fear the demons I summon, they are in my full control.

but thankfully Edwin’s calculations have not been wrong and it immediately focuses it’s attention on the most hated Balor and soon enough the two demons are engaged in a deadly battle.

*phew* Go Edwin!! Yeah!! :roll:

Good thing that some demons really hate each other more than they hate our heroes!

Streams of hot, burning fire envelop us and I feel my flesh getting scorched as I roar in pain, but continue to hack at the mage, gritting my teeth and ignoring the insufferable heat that surrounds us.

Ouch! Ouch! That must have hurt... a lot! Poor Theo.

A Meteor swarm is very painful... :oops:

Keldorn wastes no more time to run through a sword through his stomach before we all hastily retreat from the radius of the enemy mage’s spell in order to avoid getting even more burns.

I'd change that: 'Keldorn wastes no more time to run a sword through his stomach'. I don't think you need two 'through's in there.

Yep, yep, yep! The first one was never supposed to be there! :twisted:

“Really, can’t you think of anything more inappropriate to do than betting on the fight of two demons in the temple of Rillifane?” Jaheira makes her feelings known, after she has finished patching me up.

*groan* Jaheira, you are too serious all the time! :P

She just fears that Rillifane might smite them for such disrespect... :twisted:

and I gather that this is Rillifane himself, but he looks so… casual and… awkwardly unimpressive.

lol Theo! He's a god!! Don't be too nice to him... um, I meant... 'mean'! :twisted:


“This better be good, mortals,” the elven god speaks in a quiet and pleasant voice, “you have disturbed me in the middle of my date with Sehanine… and even talking her into it was awfully difficult. So, what transpires here that requires my attention?”

A date with Sehanine Moonbow... lol

Heh, I like Sehanine! She's a very decent goddess :P

“You would want that mortal, wouldn’t you?” Rillifane grins, “However, The Exile holds my daughter imprisoned within his corruptive magics… they prevent me to come near him, or my daughter will be harmed. He uses her link to the Tree… to drain it of its power.”

*sigh* You want to free her? And let her do more stupid things? :twisted:

Apparently, only she can cut Jon's link with the Tree, though.

“Mortals! The Tree of Life must not perish, or the elven race will suffer,” Rillifane raises his voice, perhaps slightly annoyed at our disrespectful chatting,

Oh! Hey, does the Tree affect all the elves in Faerûn?

I don't know for sure, but I think not. I don't think it would be placed in Suldanessellar, that is not a significant settlement and was probably founded much later than the elves came to Faerun. If a Tree that would affect all elves would exist, I'd think it would be in someplace like Myth Drannor... but I don't know enough (anything?) about elves, so I'm just speculating.

A Grrrreat episode as always! Thanks! :lol:

Thanks for reading and commenting! :P

#8 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 04 December 2003 - 11:37 PM

We return to the campsite at about nightfall, the small meadow sinking in twilight. I am not sure why I do not feel any tiredness at all, after our exertions at the brook, perhaps it is the mysterious magic of this place… or perhaps it is simply because this time we chose to exchange the fiery passion for quiet tenderness? In any case, this is not the time to ponder about such things or spend the time revelling in the pleasant memories about the occurrences of the past few hours… the most important thing is that it has instilled in me such will to live and succeed, that I truly believe that we will not fail in our quest.

Aww - he's lucky to have Jaheira around.

Viconia is the only one who isn’t sleeping and I see that even Keldorn is taking a peaceful nap, having finally chosen to remove his beloved full plate whose color to me has always resembled that of rotten oranges. It would be such a shame to wake everyone up, now that they are sleeping so calmly… but luckily that wonderfully remorseless woman, whose arm is still wrapped around my waist, harbours no such silly and sentimental notions as she yells for everyone to get up and ready for the battles to come.

LOL! Nope, don't think anyone could call Jaheira silly and sentimental. :twisted:

“Ha! There can only be one winner, the demons that I summon never lose,” Edwin retorts.

“Fine, I’m putting hundred coppers on the Balor,” Imoen laughs.

100 coppers? C'mon Immy, that's pitiful. Put your money where your mouth is...

“Really, can’t you think of anything more inappropriate to do than betting on the fight of two demons in the temple of Rillifane?” Jaheira makes her feelings known, after she has finished patching me up.

I bet they can both think of several - don't give them ideas... :)

“The Gates are unsealed. That is all I can do, mortals,” Rillifane says, “With this I shall take my leave… and for your sake, I hope that Sehanine is still waiting for me, or else I will haunt you in your dreams for the next century. I wish you luck, mortals.”

Can't say I know much about Rillifane, but your version seemed more interesting than the game one. :twisted:

No nice +4 staff for Jaheira, though?

And with these words, the avatar of the Leaflord disappears from our sight. There are no more obstacles between Jon Irenicus and us.

Nice chapter. :twisted:

#9 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 05 December 2003 - 01:44 AM

“This better be good, mortals,” the elven god speaks in a quiet and pleasant voice, “you have disturbed me in the middle of my date with Sehanine… and even talking her into it was awfully difficult. So, what transpires here that requires my attention?”

He reminds me of Cernd...if Cernd were a god :twisted:

:twisted: I shudder to think what would Cernd's portfolio would be... and how would he attract followers? :twisted:

Cernd would be the god of sleep, no question about it. :)

#10 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 05 December 2003 - 01:51 AM

Finally we make some advancement in plot terms… there is a bit of action as well and Edwin finally gets to summon a demon… which admittedly isn't the first time for him in this story :twisted:

Hmm, does he get to give it to Queen Airhead? :)

Oh… and my Rillifane is VERY different from the game, and some of the things there are contradicting the canon as well – but since I wanted to make the whole talk more lighter and humorous, I chose to abuse the canon a bit. :twisted:

Better than the walking compost heap the game has...

Viconia is the only one who isn’t sleeping and I see that even Keldorn is taking a peaceful nap, having finally chosen to remove his beloved full plate whose color to me has always resembled that of rotten oranges. It would be such a shame to wake everyone up, now that they are sleeping so calmly… but luckily that wonderfully remorseless woman, whose arm is still wrapped around my waist, harbours no such silly and sentimental notions as she yells for everyone to get up and ready for the battles to come.

Heh, heh... :twisted:

The tedious job to inspect every house on our way resumes, as we push towards the palace. Imoen has her work cut out, exploring and informing us of what lies ahead and in one of the houses near the palace we stumble upon a group of those carnivorous predators known to us as rakshasa.

Bah, send in a few hasted skeleton warriors, grab a book and wait. :twisted:

“A Balor! Ah, I have something special for you, twerp!” Edwin exclaims and starts to recite a spell, I realize that the best I can do is to hope that he knows what he is doing and leave the demon as his responsibility.

Oh dear, here comes disaster.

Streams of hot, burning fire envelop us and I feel my flesh getting scorched as I roar in pain, but continue to hack at the mage, gritting my teeth and ignoring the insufferable heat that surrounds us. The spell seems to have helped Imoen and Nalia’s efforts in getting rid of the golem, as it glows in a burning red before Jaheira whacks it with her scimitar on the side and huge cracks appear in the golem’s carcass, before it shatters and bits and pieces of iron drop on the floor.

That's one way to get iron in your diet. :twisted:

The demons are still battling each other, thus we charge to help Viconia, who is involved in fighting the rakshasa and shortly after our arrival the creature falls on the floor, dead. Now, the only thing to do is to wait for the winner of the fight of the demons and then present him with a prize – swift death from our hands.

“How’s about a bet, Eddie?” Imoen asks cheerfully, while Jaheira and Viconia, treat Keldorn and I with healing spells to remedy our burns and hopefully to help the skin to regenerate as fast as possible.

“Ha! There can only be one winner, the demons that I summon never lose,” Edwin retorts.

Heh, heh, now this is amusing. :twisted:

We all await for something remarkable to occur, thinking that Rillifane will reveal himself to us with a great pomp… instead, we only feel the sound of rustling leaves and a faint smell of freshly cut grass spreading around us. We all turn around to stand face to face with a very awkward looking figure… an elven man, no taller than I, and of much more slender build, his hair raven black and falling down in long unkempt strands. I have difficulties to discern whether the strange outfit he wears is actually a cloth or is it his own skin… looking like a tree-bark, overgrown with leaves of many different colors. In his hands, he holds large oaken staff, still sprouting fresh leaves… and I gather that this is Rillifane himself, but he looks so… casual and… awkwardly unimpressive.

And true to form though. Doesn't the game version remind you of the Swamp Thing though? :oops:

“Ah, so the madman has returned,” Rillifane looks grim, “and once again he pushes ahead with his plan, committing sacrilege against the Tree of Life. I tried to convince Ellesime that her idea of punishment was not just and would only lead to more suffering in the future, but no… she just whined and whined, until I finally had to give in. If any of you mortals have daughters, you would know that sometimes it is impossible to refuse them…”

Poor Rillfane. Mine will go differently, because of a couple of things I changed and added in. :wink:

“The Gates are unsealed. That is all I can do, mortals,” Rillifane says, “With this I shall take my leave… and for your sake, I hope that Sehanine is still waiting for me, or else I will haunt you in your dreams for the next century. I wish you luck, mortals.”

Hah, it's Sehanine that's in charge of dreams, so there! :wink:

#11 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 05 December 2003 - 05:28 AM

We return to the campsite at about nightfall, the small meadow sinking in twilight. I am not sure why I do not feel any tiredness at all, after our exertions at the brook, perhaps it is the mysterious magic of this place… or perhaps it is simply because this time we chose to exchange the fiery passion for quiet tenderness? In any case, this is not the time to ponder about such things or spend the time revelling in the pleasant memories about the occurrences of the past few hours… the most important thing is that it has instilled in me such will to live and succeed, that I truly believe that we will not fail in our quest.

Aww - he's lucky to have Jaheira around.

Yes, they really help each other. :D

Viconia is the only one who isn’t sleeping and I see that even Keldorn is taking a peaceful nap, having finally chosen to remove his beloved full plate whose color to me has always resembled that of rotten oranges. It would be such a shame to wake everyone up, now that they are sleeping so calmly… but luckily that wonderfully remorseless woman, whose arm is still wrapped around my waist, harbours no such silly and sentimental notions as she yells for everyone to get up and ready for the battles to come.

LOL! Nope, don't think anyone could call Jaheira silly and sentimental. :D

She doesn't give reasons to, either. :D

“Ha! There can only be one winner, the demons that I summon never lose,” Edwin retorts.

“Fine, I’m putting hundred coppers on the Balor,” Imoen laughs.

100 coppers? C'mon Immy, that's pitiful. Put your money where your mouth is...

Hehe... well, no matter how much she loses, she will pickpocket it all back from Eddie, anyways... :)

“Really, can’t you think of anything more inappropriate to do than betting on the fight of two demons in the temple of Rillifane?” Jaheira makes her feelings known, after she has finished patching me up.

I bet they can both think of several - don't give them ideas... B)

No, no, no... there *really* isn't time for that, now... :lol:

“The Gates are unsealed. That is all I can do, mortals,” Rillifane says, “With this I shall take my leave… and for your sake, I hope that Sehanine is still waiting for me, or else I will haunt you in your dreams for the next century. I wish you luck, mortals.”

Can't say I know much about Rillifane, but your version seemed more interesting than the game one. :)

Thanks! He's not a bad dude, I thought :)

No nice +4 staff for Jaheira, though?[/quote]

No... I much prefer having her with a scimitar and a shield... seems much more safer.

And with these words, the avatar of the Leaflord disappears from our sight. There are no more obstacles between Jon Irenicus and us.[/quote]

Nice chapter. :([/quote]

Thanks! :D

#12 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 05 December 2003 - 05:30 AM

:lol: I shudder to think what would Cernd's portfolio would be... and how would he attract followers? :D

Cernd would be the god of sleep, no question about it. B)

Maybe have amnesia as part of his portfolio, too?

#13 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 05 December 2003 - 05:35 AM

Finally we make some advancement in plot terms… there is a bit of action as well and Edwin finally gets to summon a demon… which admittedly isn't the first time for him in this story :P

Hmm, does he get to give it to Queen Airhead? B)

Queen Airhead will get something, alright. :lol:

Oh… and my Rillifane is VERY different from the game, and some of the things there are contradicting the canon as well – but since I wanted to make the whole talk more lighter and humorous, I chose to abuse the canon a bit. :D

Better than the walking compost heap the game has...

Shambling Mound, anyone?

Viconia is the only one who isn’t sleeping and I see that even Keldorn is taking a peaceful nap, having finally chosen to remove his beloved full plate whose color to me has always resembled that of rotten oranges. It would be such a shame to wake everyone up, now that they are sleeping so calmly… but luckily that wonderfully remorseless woman, whose arm is still wrapped around my waist, harbours no such silly and sentimental notions as she yells for everyone to get up and ready for the battles to come.

Heh, heh... :D

So loveable. :(

The tedious job to inspect every house on our way resumes, as we push towards the palace. Imoen has her work cut out, exploring and informing us of what lies ahead and in one of the houses near the palace we stumble upon a group of those carnivorous predators known to us as rakshasa.

Bah, send in a few hasted skeleton warriors, grab a book and wait. :P

Sure, but that would be kind of boring, wouldn't it?

“A Balor! Ah, I have something special for you, twerp!” Edwin exclaims and starts to recite a spell, I realize that the best I can do is to hope that he knows what he is doing and leave the demon as his responsibility.

Oh dear, here comes disaster.

Well, maybe not... this time...

Streams of hot, burning fire envelop us and I feel my flesh getting scorched as I roar in pain, but continue to hack at the mage, gritting my teeth and ignoring the insufferable heat that surrounds us. The spell seems to have helped Imoen and Nalia’s efforts in getting rid of the golem, as it glows in a burning red before Jaheira whacks it with her scimitar on the side and huge cracks appear in the golem’s carcass, before it shatters and bits and pieces of iron drop on the floor.

That's one way to get iron in your diet. :D

*groan* :)

“How’s about a bet, Eddie?” Imoen asks cheerfully, while Jaheira and Viconia, treat Keldorn and I with healing spells to remedy our burns and hopefully to help the skin to regenerate as fast as possible.

“Ha! There can only be one winner, the demons that I summon never lose,” Edwin retorts.

Heh, heh, now this is amusing. :P

Everything that features Edwin, tends to be :)

We all await for something remarkable to occur, thinking that Rillifane will reveal himself to us with a great pomp… instead, we only feel the sound of rustling leaves and a faint smell of freshly cut grass spreading around us. We all turn around to stand face to face with a very awkward looking figure… an elven man, no taller than I, and of much more slender build, his hair raven black and falling down in long unkempt strands. I have difficulties to discern whether the strange outfit he wears is actually a cloth or is it his own skin… looking like a tree-bark, overgrown with leaves of many different colors. In his hands, he holds large oaken staff, still sprouting fresh leaves… and I gather that this is Rillifane himself, but he looks so… casual and… awkwardly unimpressive.

And true to form though. Doesn't the game version remind you of the Swamp Thing though? :P

LOL! Yep, you're right... :D

“Ah, so the madman has returned,” Rillifane looks grim, “and once again he pushes ahead with his plan, committing sacrilege against the Tree of Life. I tried to convince Ellesime that her idea of punishment was not just and would only lead to more suffering in the future, but no… she just whined and whined, until I finally had to give in. If any of you mortals have daughters, you would know that sometimes it is impossible to refuse them…”

Poor Rillfane. Mine will go differently, because of a couple of things I changed and added in. :P

Cool! Can't wait to see it!

“The Gates are unsealed. That is all I can do, mortals,” Rillifane says, “With this I shall take my leave… and for your sake, I hope that Sehanine is still waiting for me, or else I will haunt you in your dreams for the next century. I wish you luck, mortals.”

Hah, it's Sehanine that's in charge of dreams, so there! :P

Maybe if the date goes well, Sehanine will be willing to share... :)

#14 Guest_IronDragon_*

Posted 05 December 2003 - 05:51 AM

[quote] Finally we make some advancement in plot terms… there is a bit of action as well and Edwin finally gets to summon a demon… which admittedly isn't the first time for him in this story [/quote] I bet he wants to do it again as soon as possible.

[quote] Oh… and my Rillifane is VERY different from the game, and some of the things there are contradicting the canon as well – but since I wanted to make the whole talk more lighter and humorous, I chose to abuse the canon a bit. [/quote] as an author you have the right and the responsibility to make appropriate changes to this setting, gotta keep things interesting.
[quote] We return to the campsite at about nightfall, the small meadow sinking in twilight. I am not sure why I do not feel any tiredness at all, after our exertions at the brook, perhaps it is the mysterious magic of this place… or perhaps it is simply because this time we chose to exchange the fiery passion for quiet tenderness? In any case, this is not the time to ponder about such things or spend the time revelling in the pleasant memories about the occurrences of the past few hours… the most important thing is that it has instilled in me such will to live and succeed, that I truly believe that we will not fail in our quest. [/quote] Lets hope Jaheira feels that same way.

[quote] The tedious job to inspect every house on our way resumes, as we push towards the palace. Imoen has her work cut out, exploring and informing us of what lies ahead and in one of the houses near the palace we stumble upon a group of those carnivorous predators known to us as rakshasa. [/quote] and as always Imoen does her job very well. It always amazes me that Imoen is not considered to be a threat equal to the PC.

[quote] We leave the house in high spirits and cross a half-circle around the city centre to avoid the palace gates and start to look for a structure that would resemble a temple of sorts. After a few fights with golems and elementals, we reach a building that can’t be mistaken for a normal dwelling… just as the palace, its design is fully artificial, but it is so well integrated into the surrounding landscape that the resulting view can be considered as a dessert for the aesthete’s eyes… though, of course, from us only Edwin considers himself to be one. [/quote] I know people like this.

[quote] Since we know that the enemy is inside the temple and Imoen concludes that she can’t get past the main door without attracting attention of those inside, we make our preparations outside and once the spells have been cast, we push the wide doors aside and step into the temple. And what awaits us inside is a rather unpleasant combination of enemies, indeed… a human male, wearing mage robes, a huge iron golem, a demon and one of those rakshasa’s… [/quote] one of the more eclectic collections of enemies in the entire game.

[quote] “A Balor! Ah, I have something special for you, twerp!” Edwin exclaims and starts to recite a spell, I realize that the best I can do is to hope that he knows what he is doing and leave the demon as his responsibility. [/quote] something just tell me that this is a bad idea.

[quote] “You and Keldorn take the mage, I will distract the golem,” Jaheira yells and rushes towards the iron construct that is struggling to get to Nalia and Imoen, eager to crush them to pieces. Keldorn and I lounge forwards and come face to face with the sneering mage; he is obviously feeling quite confident behind the layers of magical protections. [/quote] they always do.

[quote] Streams of hot, burning fire envelop us and I feel my flesh getting scorched as I roar in pain, but continue to hack at the mage, gritting my teeth and ignoring the insufferable heat that surrounds us. The spell seems to have helped Imoen and Nalia’s efforts in getting rid of the golem, as it glows in a burning red before Jaheira whacks it with her scimitar on the side and huge cracks appear in the golem’s carcass, before it shatters and bits and pieces of iron drop on the floor. [/quote] love it when those things shatter

[quote] “Pah! That just shows how foolish you are… I’ll put a hundred on my Pit Fiend, of course,” Edwin smirks, before addressing us, “what about the rest of you, fools? Except the paladin of course, no doubt he considers betting to be abhorrent and sinful.”

“A hundred on… ouch… the Pit Fiend,” Keldorn says, wincing at the pain of injury, waiting for Viconia to follow up with more healing spells. [/quote] I really like Keldorn. He isn’t that bad once he gets going.

[quote] We all await for something remarkable to occur, thinking that Rillifane will reveal himself to us with a great pomp… instead, we only feel the sound of rustling leaves and a faint smell of freshly cut grass spreading around us. We all turn around to stand face to face with a very awkward looking figure… an elven man, no taller than I, and of much more slender build, his hair raven black and falling down in long unkempt strands. I have difficulties to discern whether the strange outfit he wears is actually a cloth or is it his own skin… looking like a tree-bark, overgrown with leaves of many different colors. In his hands, he holds large oaken staff, still sprouting fresh leaves… and I gather that this is Rillifane himself, but he looks so… casual and… awkwardly unimpressive. [/quote] looks are deceiving.

[quote] “Ah, so the madman has returned,” Rillifane looks grim, “and once again he pushes ahead with his plan, committing sacrilege against the Tree of Life. I tried to convince Ellesime that her idea of punishment was not just and would only lead to more suffering in the future, but no… she just whined and whined, until I finally had to give in. If any of you mortals have daughters, you would know that sometimes it is impossible to refuse them…” [/quote] not a terribly flattering image of Ellesime, but I liked it.

[quote] Keldorn only coughs politely and I gather the courage to address the god myself, “Um… we were told that you will be able to help against The Exile…” [/qutoe] the big question is: why does he need ot be asked to help?

[quote] “The Exile seeks to join the Seldarine, to become a god, as he sought once before,” Rillifane explains.

[quote] “But how would he achieve it? Corellon would never allow that, he would never accept-” Jaheira is shocked.

“That is assuming he has a say in it,” I add my comment. [/quote] excellent point.

[quote] And with these words, the avatar of the Leaflord disappears from our sight. There are no more obstacles between Jon Irenicus and us. [/quote] guess this means the final battle is coming up soon.

#15 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 05 December 2003 - 10:11 AM

[quote][quote] Finally we make some advancement in plot terms… there is a bit of action as well and Edwin finally gets to summon a demon… which admittedly isn't the first time for him in this story [/quote] I bet he wants to do it again as soon as possible.

Luckily he has only one Gate spell memorized :twisted:

[quote] Oh… and my Rillifane is VERY different from the game, and some of the things there are contradicting the canon as well – but since I wanted to make the whole talk more lighter and humorous, I chose to abuse the canon a bit. [/quote] as an author you have the right and the responsibility to make appropriate changes to this setting, gotta keep things interesting.[/quote]

Yes... and if not interesting, then at least different - which in many cases is one and the same.

[quote][quote]We return to the campsite at about nightfall, the small meadow sinking in twilight. I am not sure why I do not feel any tiredness at all, after our exertions at the brook, perhaps it is the mysterious magic of this place… or perhaps it is simply because this time we chose to exchange the fiery passion for quiet tenderness? In any case, this is not the time to ponder about such things or spend the time revelling in the pleasant memories about the occurrences of the past few hours… the most important thing is that it has instilled in me such will to live and succeed, that I truly believe that we will not fail in our quest. [/quote] Lets hope Jaheira feels that same way.

Oh, I think she does, all though she will never elaborate on this matter.

[quote] The tedious job to inspect every house on our way resumes, as we push towards the palace. Imoen has her work cut out, exploring and informing us of what lies ahead and in one of the houses near the palace we stumble upon a group of those carnivorous predators known to us as rakshasa. [/quote] and as always Imoen does her job very well. It always amazes me that Imoen is not considered to be a threat equal to the PC.

True... well, lucky her! :wink:

[quote] We leave the house in high spirits and cross a half-circle around the city centre to avoid the palace gates and start to look for a structure that would resemble a temple of sorts. After a few fights with golems and elementals, we reach a building that can’t be mistaken for a normal dwelling… just as the palace, its design is fully artificial, but it is so well integrated into the surrounding landscape that the resulting view can be considered as a dessert for the aesthete’s eyes… though, of course, from us only Edwin considers himself to be one. [/quote] I know people like this.

There always seems to be one of the sort, around.

[quote] Since we know that the enemy is inside the temple and Imoen concludes that she can’t get past the main door without attracting attention of those inside, we make our preparations outside and once the spells have been cast, we push the wide doors aside and step into the temple. And what awaits us inside is a rather unpleasant combination of enemies, indeed… a human male, wearing mage robes, a huge iron golem, a demon and one of those rakshasa’s… [/quote] one of the more eclectic collections of enemies in the entire game.

Truly, convincing all those sorts of critters to work together, just shows how good Jon was at diplomacy.

[quote] “A Balor! Ah, I have something special for you, twerp!” Edwin exclaims and starts to recite a spell, I realize that the best I can do is to hope that he knows what he is doing and leave the demon as his responsibility. [/quote] something just tell me that this is a bad idea.

Well... Edwin is quite good at what he does. :twisted:

[quote] “You and Keldorn take the mage, I will distract the golem,” Jaheira yells and rushes towards the iron construct that is struggling to get to Nalia and Imoen, eager to crush them to pieces. Keldorn and I lounge forwards and come face to face with the sneering mage; he is obviously feeling quite confident behind the layers of magical protections. [/quote] they always do.

And they always die...

[quote] Streams of hot, burning fire envelop us and I feel my flesh getting scorched as I roar in pain, but continue to hack at the mage, gritting my teeth and ignoring the insufferable heat that surrounds us. The spell seems to have helped Imoen and Nalia’s efforts in getting rid of the golem, as it glows in a burning red before Jaheira whacks it with her scimitar on the side and huge cracks appear in the golem’s carcass, before it shatters and bits and pieces of iron drop on the floor. [/quote] love it when those things shatter

Yeah! I just LOVE shattering things! MUAHAHA! Erm... oops, sorry 'bout that...

“A hundred on… ouch… the Pit Fiend,” Keldorn says, wincing at the pain of injury, waiting for Viconia to follow up with more healing spells. [/quote] I really like Keldorn. He isn’t that bad once he gets going.

Yep... it takes some effort from him to loosen up, but occasionally he does that.

[quote] We all await for something remarkable to occur, thinking that Rillifane will reveal himself to us with a great pomp… instead, we only feel the sound of rustling leaves and a faint smell of freshly cut grass spreading around us. We all turn around to stand face to face with a very awkward looking figure… an elven man, no taller than I, and of much more slender build, his hair raven black and falling down in long unkempt strands. I have difficulties to discern whether the strange outfit he wears is actually a cloth or is it his own skin… looking like a tree-bark, overgrown with leaves of many different colors. In his hands, he holds large oaken staff, still sprouting fresh leaves… and I gather that this is Rillifane himself, but he looks so… casual and… awkwardly unimpressive. [/quote] looks are deceiving.

Very much so, in this case.

[quote] “Ah, so the madman has returned,” Rillifane looks grim, “and once again he pushes ahead with his plan, committing sacrilege against the Tree of Life. I tried to convince Ellesime that her idea of punishment was not just and would only lead to more suffering in the future, but no… she just whined and whined, until I finally had to give in. If any of you mortals have daughters, you would know that sometimes it is impossible to refuse them…” [/quote] not a terribly flattering image of Ellesime, but I liked it.

The perception that I always had of ellesime, isn't terribly flattering towards her, either.

[quote] Keldorn only coughs politely and I gather the courage to address the god myself, “Um… we were told that you will be able to help against The Exile…” [/qutoe] the big question is: why does he need ot be asked to help?

Because, um, he was busy with Sehanine? :)

[quote] “The Exile seeks to join the Seldarine, to become a god, as he sought once before,” Rillifane explains.

[quote] “But how would he achieve it? Corellon would never allow that, he would never accept-” Jaheira is shocked.

“That is assuming he has a say in it,” I add my comment. [/quote] excellent point.

I made Theo voice my own doubts and questions, here.

[quote] And with these words, the avatar of the Leaflord disappears from our sight. There are no more obstacles between Jon Irenicus and us. [/quote] guess this means the final battle is coming up soon.[/quote]

Very much so. The next episode will be a bit banter-heavy, with the actual battle coming an episode later.

#16 Guest_argan_*

Posted 06 December 2003 - 01:05 PM

Good chapter....liked the description of Rillifane :lol:

#17 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 06 December 2003 - 01:24 PM

Good chapter....liked the description of Rillifane :lol:

Thanks, I had a lot of fun writing it. ^_^

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