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Rush Of Blood To The Head, part 7.7.

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#1 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 29 November 2003 - 01:26 PM

Hi, folks! As I feared, my characters became very talkative all of a sudden (esp. Edwin :wink:) and consequently we did not make any plot advancement, as this episode is full of *friendly* bickering :P


Rush Of Blood To The Head, part 7.7.

“Ha! Watch and learn, you simians! Yet another dragon falls before the might of Edwin Odesseiron’s magic!” Edwin boasts proudly.

“Yet another one, dear Edwin? I am afraid that those stuffed plush toys you strangled to death in your childhood, do not count,” Jaheira adds, laughing.

“Pah! You know nothing of what you speak, druid! If not for my magic, you and your lover boy would have taken a very long dirt nap!” Edwin snarls, “From this day, my name shall be known as Edwin the Dragonslayer Odesseiron!”

“Really, Edwin… that poor beast was already dead when your spell went off…” I object, annoyed at Edwin’s attempts to steal all the glory for himself.

“A poorly masked envy is emanating from you, my dear chimp!” Edwin snorts, “know that it is unwise to argue with someone who can bend and twist the flow of time itself… oh, yes… that bastard with the pointy hat had better beware, for I have mastered and subdued the time and space around us!”

“Ah, that spell stopped the flow of time?” Nalia asks, “but Edwin… um, you read the only scroll we had and you didn’t scribe it into your spellbook prior to that…”

Edwin stands dumbstruck and as he looks at the young mage and the realization slowly sinks in his brain, his eyes are growing wider and wider… and then we are forced to plug our ears as the curses that stream from his mouth are effective enough to make even seasoned adventurers like us to blush heavily…

“Are you quite done, Edwin?” Jaheira yells at him, as the wizard still can’t calm down, but soon he is out of his breath and sits down on a tree stump to sulk for a while.

“Hey! Where is Vico?” Imoen suddenly realizes that the drow is missing from our sight.

“I am right here… fools!” a weak voice is coming from somewhere behind the dragon and we rush to see what has happened to Viconia, meanwhile Jaheira goes to check upon Keldorn, who has snapped out of the daze and is rising from the ground shakily.

“Where are you, Vic?” Imoen asks worriedly, “Oh, no! Don’t tell me that you are… inside that dragon?”

“Do not be foolish, Imoen,” Viconia’s voice rings from right… below us and we look down to see the drow being held under the dragon’s heavy neck…

“Are you hurt, Vicky?” Imoen bends on her knees to check on her friend.

“No, I am fine,” Viconia snorts, “had I been hurt, I know of a certain somebody, who would be begging for mercy right about now. What are you standing about; get me out of here this very instant!”

Nalia, Imoen and I grab the dragon’s neck and lift it up, so that Viconia can crawl out and once back on the feet, her first task is to briefly hug Imoen.

“Aw, Vic, I was so scared about you… but you sure showed that lizard, heh,” Imoen giggles, “we did really well, didn’t we… and everyone is still in one piece… oh, crap! Keldy!”

“I am fine, young Imoen,” Keldorn says, coming towards us, having received the necessary healing from Jaheira, “I must apologize for not being able to help more in the fight.”

“Nonsense, Keldorn,” I reply, “Such unlucky break could have happened to any of us.”

“You’re wrong there, Theodur,” Viconia mocks, “It only happens to a fool who likes to can himself in such a heavy suit of armor, that he can’t avoid a single swing. Jaheira, you and I, we had no trouble in sidestepping the dragon’s attacks.”

“Well, Drow… for once, had I not been wearing this full plate, I would have been a dead man now. And I am not as young to rely on my agility, anymore,” Keldorn retorts, “I would like to see you do better, once you reach my age.”

“Ha! I’m most likely already four times your age, paladin!” Viconia shouts, “Unlike you, I am not threatened by premature senility!” For some reason, Viconia’s words have an awkward effect on Imoen as she turns away and pretends to be looking elsewhere.

“I think that’s about enough, Viconia,” I interrupt, before the situation gets out of the hand again, “we should start looking for that artifact… err, where is Edwin?”

“Edwin? What are you doing there?” Jaheira is the first to notice the wizard as he has crouched down to the ground and is looking intently at something in front of him.

“Have you found the dragon’s hoard, Eddie? Lemme see, too…” Imoen clamours as we all head over to see what Edwin has discovered, but he rises from the ground wearing a strained expression on his face, trying to look rather indifferent.

“Well?” I ask him meaningfully and he hands a fancy looking golden goblet over to me, which I then place in my pack.

“That’s all?” Nalia asks sounding disappointed.

“Edwin… you know that in adventuring parties, it is assumed for the party to share the spoils equally,” Jaheira points out, looking at him suspiciously and unwillingly Edwin drags out a sack of gems from his robes and hands it over to the smiling druidess.

“Fine, but only because I have witnessed your… unique skills of handling the merchants, druid, and I trust that you will get us a good deal or else…” I am quite shocked to hear Edwin actually admitting that someone is better than him at least in something…

“And I still insist that I have the largest share of the treasure, especially considering that it was I who slew the dragon” he adds, looking at me meaningfully.

“A suit of armor, Eddie?” I ignore his boasts and instead turn my attention towards the deep green chain mail, lying on the ground behind Edwin’s back.

“Ah, I’m glad you noticed,” Edwin’s face lights up in a smile, “this is a truly wonderful item, the elven chainmail of the highest quality – it is strongly enchanted to provide remarkable protection against physical blows, yet is so very light that it does not hinder the wearer from using magic or the rogue’s stealth.”

“Of course, I would be the one most worthy to wear it, but I will never consider giving up my precious red robes for even the most exquisitely made armor,” Edwin adds.

“I suppose then it’s a toss between Nalia and Immy… who of you two wants it?” I ask.

“Oh, I don’t know… I’ve never worn armor… I don’t know if I can get used to it…” Nalia hesitates.

“Sure, I’ll take it!” Imoen gladly accepts it, “I’ve worn leather armors for most of my adventurer’s career… this one is even lighter than some of them, wow! WOW! Come, Vic, you’ll help me to change, let’s go behind those trees…” the overexcited girl drags the reluctant drow off and out of our sight.

“Which brings me to another point,” Edwin starts and we turn our attention back to him, “I know a very gifted dwarven blacksmith in Athkatla, by the name of Cromwell.”

“Cromwell? Oh… I know him too,” Jaheira interrupts him, “he actually was a contact for the Harpers and used to forge many magical items for them. I… I don’t know… ah, to hells, I am not a Harper anymore – well, there was this rumour that he is one of those few people who can actually forge the original Harper pins…”

“You’ve met with him in Athkatla, when you visited before?” I ask her and she nods in confirmation.

“Yes, a fascinating story, druid… now, where was I… ah, yes!” Edwin seems to be a bit lost, but he recovers quickly, “well, this Cromwell has a house in the Docks district of Athkatla, nearby the… ah, a certain guildhouse of a very certain thieves guild with which I had some very certain relationships, until a group of chimps showed up to spoil my plans! Bah! Regardless, on occasions I had a few talks with this Cromwell character and he supplied me with rather interesting information.”

“Such as?” Jaheira quirks her eyebrow.

“Such as what components are necessary to forge powerful magical items, druid,” Edwin explains, “and the scales of a slain dragon are amongst those components, used to produce armor of the highest quality, far superior than anything we currently have.”

“That’s good to know, Eddie,” I smile, “if we ever return to Athkatla, we will show all that junk that is stuffed in our backpacks, maybe he can do something with it…”

“Don’t you realize simian? Look here and see - that is a dead dragon. These are scales of a dead dragon. I know of a blacksmith… surely, even your deranged brain can see a pattern emerging (though I feel that I am clearly expecting too much…)” Edwin is getting impatient.

“Oh, I understand, Edwin… how smart of you. Well, here you go,” I chuckle and hand him a dagger.

“I have no need of that, fool,” he swats my hand aside, “why are you handing me this?”

“Well, Eddie… it is your loot, after all… so you have the honour to skin the dragon,” I chuckle, “and after that you will be the one to carry those heavy scales around and all the way back to Athkatla.”

“Eh… what? I am not doing something so barbaric as getting my hands dirty with the blood of that lizard,” Edwin is shocked, “and come to think of it, no one of you is worthy to wear an armor of such quality…”

“All right, you had your fun, now let us get back to more serious issues,” Jaheira interrupts, still chuckling and earning an angry glare from Edwin, “I suggest that we make use of this now peaceful place and have some rest… Viconia and I need to pray for our spells and I believe that our wizards all need to rest, in order to regain their spells. And Keldorn needs time to recover from-”

“I assure you that I am perfectly fine, Jaheira,” Keldorn scowls a bit, “and I would insist that we press on with all haste as more and more elves are dying each moment, but I also realize that it might be dangerous if we were to continue badly prepared.”

“Are you sure that we are safe here, Jaheira?” Nalia asks, “I’m not really comfortable with this dead dragon and all…”

“It is not necessary to set the camp directly beside the dragon, Nalia,” Jaheira explains, “and yes, this place will be safe – all creatures, even those of evil intent, have been scared away by the dragon’s presence.”

“That’s convincing reasoning in my book,” I smile at my love, “let us set our camp here and have some precious hours of peace and relaxation…”

#2 Guest_argan_*

Posted 29 November 2003 - 03:28 PM

Good chapter :twisted:

The story is nearing it's conclusion, it seems...planning on writing ToB, too?[/quote]

#3 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 29 November 2003 - 03:41 PM

Good chapter :twisted:

Thanks! :twisted:

The story is nearing it's conclusion, it seems...planning on writing ToB, too?

Yup. But it will not be very long (and I think it will differ a LOT from the game) - I think that from all the BG series, the ToB part is my least favorite. Well, at least we get Sarevok, but since this will not be a goody-two-shoes party, he will fit in well... Jaheira and Immy might have a problem, though.

I think the part between SoA and ToB will be longer than ToB itself - I am not jumping directly into ToB, after the SoA part. Also, I am working on ideas for after-ToB tales and am already writing epilogues for some lesser characters :twisted:

#4 Guest_Bjorn_*

Posted 29 November 2003 - 05:05 PM

“Yet another one, dear Edwin? I am afraid that those stuffed plush toys you strangled to death in your childhood, do not count,” Jaheira adds, laughing.

LOL! Aw, I can just imagine baby Edwin playing with a cuddly dragon. Very cute...

“Pah! You know nothing of what you speak, druid! If not for my magic, you and your lover boy would have taken a very long dirt nap!” Edwin snarls, “From this day, my name shall be known as Edwin the Dragonslayer Odesseiron!”

That's a pretty silly middle name, Eddie. :twisted:

“Really, Edwin… that poor beast was already dead when your spell went off…” I object, annoyed at Edwin’s attempts to steal all the glory for himself.

Oh, just let him boast if it makes him happy, Theo.

Edwin stands dumbstruck and as he looks at the young mage and the realization slowly sinks in his brain, his eyes are growing wider and wider… and then we are forced to plug our ears as the curses that stream from his mouth are effective enough to make even seasoned adventurers like us to blush heavily…

LOL! Never mind Edwin, you'll probably find another scroll eventually.

“Are you quite done, Edwin?” Jaheira yells at him, as the wizard still can’t calm down, but soon he is out of his breath and sits down on a tree stump to sulk for a while.

Aw, poor Eddie. :twisted:

“And I still insist that I have the largest share of the treasure, especially considering that it was I who slew the dragon” he adds, looking at me meaningfully.

Aw, he's cute when he's showing off.

“Such as what components are necessary to forge powerful magical items, druid,” Edwin explains, “and the scales of a slain dragon are amongst those components, used to produce armor of the highest quality, far superior than anything we currently have.”

So Eddie, are you volunteering to skin the dragon and then carry it's scales around with you back to Athkatla?

“Well, Eddie… it is your loot, after all… so you have the honour to skin the dragon,” I chuckle, “and after that you will be the one to carry those heavy scales around and all the way back to Athkatla.”

Heh, great minds think alike, it seems! (I'm commenting as I read, here).

“Are you sure that we are safe here, Jaheira?” Nalia asks, “I’m not really comfortable with this dead dragon and all…”

Dead monsters are definitely preferable to live ones, though. Although they probably smell worse.

“That’s convincing reasoning in my book,” I smile at my love, “let us set our camp here and have some precious hours of peace and relaxation…”

But don't sleep for too long, or the city might not be there when you wake up. :twisted:

Nice chapter. :twisted:

#5 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 29 November 2003 - 05:30 PM

“Yet another one, dear Edwin? I am afraid that those stuffed plush toys you strangled to death in your childhood, do not count,” Jaheira adds, laughing.

LOL! Aw, I can just imagine baby Edwin playing with a cuddly dragon. Very cute...

Yes, I was thinking about it as I wrote... :P

“Pah! You know nothing of what you speak, druid! If not for my magic, you and your lover boy would have taken a very long dirt nap!” Edwin snarls, “From this day, my name shall be known as Edwin the Dragonslayer Odesseiron!”

That's a pretty silly middle name, Eddie. :twisted:

Of course it is. One might think that is why he chose it... :wink:

“Really, Edwin… that poor beast was already dead when your spell went off…” I object, annoyed at Edwin’s attempts to steal all the glory for himself.

Oh, just let him boast if it makes him happy, Theo.

Yep, not much else he can do about it. :twisted:

Edwin stands dumbstruck and as he looks at the young mage and the realization slowly sinks in his brain, his eyes are growing wider and wider… and then we are forced to plug our ears as the curses that stream from his mouth are effective enough to make even seasoned adventurers like us to blush heavily…

LOL! Never mind Edwin, you'll probably find another scroll eventually.

Or buy. We're rich now... :P

“Are you quite done, Edwin?” Jaheira yells at him, as the wizard still can’t calm down, but soon he is out of his breath and sits down on a tree stump to sulk for a while.

Aw, poor Eddie. :twisted:

Yes, poor dear. :roll:

“And I still insist that I have the largest share of the treasure, especially considering that it was I who slew the dragon” he adds, looking at me meaningfully.

Aw, he's cute when he's showing off.

I guess it means that he is always cute, then. :(

“Such as what components are necessary to forge powerful magical items, druid,” Edwin explains, “and the scales of a slain dragon are amongst those components, used to produce armor of the highest quality, far superior than anything we currently have.”

So Eddie, are you volunteering to skin the dragon and then carry it's scales around with you back to Athkatla?


“Well, Eddie… it is your loot, after all… so you have the honour to skin the dragon,” I chuckle, “and after that you will be the one to carry those heavy scales around and all the way back to Athkatla.”

Heh, great minds think alike, it seems! (I'm commenting as I read, here).

Yep, that's my favorite way to comment... it's really fun when you happen to guess things to come. :D

“Are you sure that we are safe here, Jaheira?” Nalia asks, “I’m not really comfortable with this dead dragon and all…”

Dead monsters are definitely preferable to live ones, though. Although they probably smell worse.

Well, they do not have to cuddle against the dead dragon's side, exactly... I'm sure they will find a nice spot nearby. :)

“That’s convincing reasoning in my book,” I smile at my love, “let us set our camp here and have some precious hours of peace and relaxation…”

But don't sleep for too long, or the city might not be there when you wake up. :twisted:

Hehe, true - it won't be an easy sleep for any of them. But since I have never gone through Suldanessellar and Hell without resting, I thought that I should give the group a respite in the story too. I usually rest after speaking with Rillifane's avatar in the temple, but somehow it seemed a bit... err, not all that suited for sleeping in the story.

Nice chapter. :)

Thanks! :)

#6 Guest_Winter_Bloom_*

Posted 29 November 2003 - 09:11 PM

Hi, folks! As I feared, my characters became very talkative all of a sudden (esp. Edwin :twisted:) and consequently we did not make any plot advancement, as this episode is full of *friendly* bickering :wink:

Nothing wrong with a good interlude. :twisted:

“Ha! Watch and learn, you simians! Yet another dragon falls before the might of Edwin Odesseiron’s magic!” Edwin boasts proudly.

“Yet another one, dear Edwin? I am afraid that those stuffed plush toys you strangled to death in your childhood, do not count,” Jaheira adds, laughing.

Heh, heh, good one. :roll:

“A poorly masked envy is emanating from you, my dear chimp!” Edwin snorts, “know that it is unwise to argue with someone who can bend and twist the flow of time itself… oh, yes… that bastard with the pointy hat had better beware, for I have mastered and subdued the time and space around us!”

“Ah, that spell stopped the flow of time?” Nalia asks, “but Edwin… um, you read the only scroll we had and you didn’t scribe it into your spellbook prior to that…”

Edwin stands dumbstruck and as he looks at the young mage and the realization slowly sinks in his brain, his eyes are growing wider and wider… and then we are forced to plug our ears as the curses that stream from his mouth are effective enough to make even seasoned adventurers like us to blush heavily…

Mwahahaha! That was a good one. Alas, poor Edwin mucjed up his chance to learn the spell. :twisted:

“Aw, Vic, I was so scared about you… but you sure showed that lizard, heh,” Imoen giggles, “we did really well, didn’t we… and everyone is still in one piece… oh, crap! Keldy!”

“I am fine, young Imoen,” Keldorn says, coming towards us, having received the necessary healing from Jaheira, “I must apologize for not being able to help more in the fight.”

“Nonsense, Keldorn,” I reply, “Such unlucky break could have happened to any of us.”

Weel, that part is true.

“You’re wrong there, Theodur,” Viconia mocks, “It only happens to a fool who likes to can himself in such a heavy suit of armor, that he can’t avoid a single swing. Jaheira, you and I, we had no trouble in sidestepping the dragon’s attacks.”

Yes, or if you foolishly charge a dragon you will get whacked. :)

“Well, Drow… for once, had I not been wearing this full plate, I would have been a dead man now. And I am not as young to rely on my agility, anymore,” Keldorn retorts, “I would like to see you do better, once you reach my age.”

“Ha! I’m most likely already four times your age, paladin!” Viconia shouts, “Unlike you, I am not threatened by premature senility!” For some reason, Viconia’s words have an awkward effect on Imoen as she turns away and pretends to be looking elsewhere.

You know, I just had a weird idea for a short story involving a romance between Viconia and Keldorn. :twisted:

“Edwin… you know that in adventuring parties, it is assumed for the party to share the spoils equally,” Jaheira points out, looking at him suspiciously and unwillingly Edwin drags out a sack of gems from his robes and hands it over to the smiling druidess.


“Sure, I’ll take it!” Imoen gladly accepts it, “I’ve worn leather armors for most of my adventurer’s career… this one is even lighter than some of them, wow! WOW! Come, Vic, you’ll help me to change, let’s go behind those trees…” the overexcited girl drags the reluctant drow off and out of our sight.

Cute, she's like a kid at Christmas. :wink:

“I have no need of that, fool,” he swats my hand aside, “why are you handing me this?”

“Well, Eddie… it is your loot, after all… so you have the honour to skin the dragon,” I chuckle, “and after that you will be the one to carry those heavy scales around and all the way back to Athkatla.”

“Eh… what? I am not doing something so barbaric as getting my hands dirty with the blood of that lizard,” Edwin is shocked, “and come to think of it, no one of you is worthy to wear an armor of such quality…”

Heh, heh, that was the quickest way to get Eddie to change his mind.

#7 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 29 November 2003 - 09:58 PM

Hi, folks! As I feared, my characters became very talkative all of a sudden (esp. Edwin :wink:) and consequently we did not make any plot advancement, as this episode is full of *friendly* bickering :P

Nothing wrong with a good interlude. :)

Yeah... so I guess I'll make it two interludes in a row... no, seriously :)

“Yet another one, dear Edwin? I am afraid that those stuffed plush toys you strangled to death in your childhood, do not count,” Jaheira adds, laughing.

Heh, heh, good one. :)

I rather liked this one myself :)

“Ah, that spell stopped the flow of time?” Nalia asks, “but Edwin… um, you read the only scroll we had and you didn’t scribe it into your spellbook prior to that…”

Edwin stands dumbstruck and as he looks at the young mage and the realization slowly sinks in his brain, his eyes are growing wider and wider… and then we are forced to plug our ears as the curses that stream from his mouth are effective enough to make even seasoned adventurers like us to blush heavily…

Mwahahaha! That was a good one. Alas, poor Edwin mucjed up his chance to learn the spell. :twisted:

I know, poor Eddie... I'll have to buy him a Timestop scroll soon, or he will never stop sulking. :)

“I am fine, young Imoen,” Keldorn says, coming towards us, having received the necessary healing from Jaheira, “I must apologize for not being able to help more in the fight.”

“Nonsense, Keldorn,” I reply, “Such unlucky break could have happened to any of us.”

Weel, that part is true.

Things like that happen to everyone, once in a while, even the experienced warriors.

“You’re wrong there, Theodur,” Viconia mocks, “It only happens to a fool who likes to can himself in such a heavy suit of armor, that he can’t avoid a single swing. Jaheira, you and I, we had no trouble in sidestepping the dragon’s attacks.”

Yes, or if you foolishly charge a dragon you will get whacked. 8)

That too :(

“Ha! I’m most likely already four times your age, paladin!” Viconia shouts, “Unlike you, I am not threatened by premature senility!” For some reason, Viconia’s words have an awkward effect on Imoen as she turns away and pretends to be looking elsewhere.

You know, I just had a weird idea for a short story involving a romance between Viconia and Keldorn. :wink:

Cool! :twisted: Actually, when I started to read Wey's TnT, I thought he would be gunning for Vic-Keldy romance... :roll: :twisted:

“Edwin… you know that in adventuring parties, it is assumed for the party to share the spoils equally,” Jaheira points out, looking at him suspiciously and unwillingly Edwin drags out a sack of gems from his robes and hands it over to the smiling druidess.


Edwin is way too easy to catch... :D

“Sure, I’ll take it!” Imoen gladly accepts it, “I’ve worn leather armors for most of my adventurer’s career… this one is even lighter than some of them, wow! WOW! Come, Vic, you’ll help me to change, let’s go behind those trees…” the overexcited girl drags the reluctant drow off and out of our sight.

Cute, she's like a kid at Christmas. :P

Yes, that's pretty accurate, isn't it?

“Eh… what? I am not doing something so barbaric as getting my hands dirty with the blood of that lizard,” Edwin is shocked, “and come to think of it, no one of you is worthy to wear an armor of such quality…”

Heh, heh, that was the quickest way to get Eddie to change his mind.

They know each other VERY well by know... :twisted:

#8 Guest_WC_Sumpton_*

Posted 30 November 2003 - 06:56 AM

Hi, folks! As I feared, my characters became very talkative all of a sudden (esp. Edwin :twisted:) and consequently we did not make any plot advancement, as this episode is full of *friendly* bickering :P

Yes, but sometime these types of pieces are well liked... Like this one. :)

“Ha! Watch and learn, you simians! Yet another dragon falls before the might of Edwin Odesseiron’s magic!” Edwin boasts proudly.

Somehow I knew this type of line belonged here. :wink:

“Yet another one, dear Edwin? I am afraid that those stuffed plush toys you strangled to death in your childhood, do not count,” Jaheira adds, laughing.

The very begining... Some of these cut slash awfully deep :twisted:

“Pah! You know nothing of what you speak, druid! If not for my magic, you and your lover boy would have taken a very long dirt nap!” Edwin snarls, “From this day, my name shall be known as Edwin the Dragonslayer Odesseiron!”

“Really, Edwin… that poor beast was already dead when your spell went off…” I object, annoyed at Edwin’s attempts to steal all the glory for himself.

Now Theo is getting into the act...

“A poorly masked envy is emanating from you, my dear chimp!” Edwin snorts, “know that it is unwise to argue with someone who can bend and twist the flow of time itself… oh, yes… that bastard with the pointy hat had better beware, for I have mastered and subdued the time and space around us!”

“Ah, that spell stopped the flow of time?” Nalia asks, “but Edwin… um, you read the only scroll we had and you didn’t scribe it into your spellbook prior to that…”

Uh-Oh :twisted:

Edwin stands dumbstruck and as he looks at the young mage and the realization slowly sinks in his brain, his eyes are growing wider and wider… and then we are forced to plug our ears as the curses that stream from his mouth are effective enough to make even seasoned adventurers like us to blush heavily…


“Are you quite done, Edwin?” Jaheira yells at him, as the wizard still can’t calm down, but soon he is out of his breath and sits down on a tree stump to sulk for a while.

She's become a natural at this... Or is Eddie just leaving himself open... :wink:

“Hey! Where is Vico?” Imoen suddenly realizes that the drow is missing from our sight.

“I am right here… fools!” a weak voice is coming from somewhere behind the dragon and we rush to see what has happened to Viconia, meanwhile Jaheira goes to check upon Keldorn, who has snapped out of the daze and is rising from the ground shakily.

“Where are you, Vic?” Imoen asks worriedly, “Oh, no! Don’t tell me that you are… inside that dragon?”

That's one for Immy...

“Do not be foolish, Imoen,” Viconia’s voice rings from right… below us and we look down to see the drow being held under the dragon’s heavy neck…

“Are you hurt, Vicky?” Imoen bends on her knees to check on her friend.

“No, I am fine,” Viconia snorts, “had I been hurt, I know of a certain somebody, who would be begging for mercy right about now. What are you standing about; get me out of here this very instant!”

Edwin is going to hear about this...

Nalia, Imoen and I grab the dragon’s neck and lift it up, so that Viconia can crawl out and once back on the feet, her first task is to briefly hug Imoen.

“Aw, Vic, I was so scared about you… but you sure showed that lizard, heh,” Imoen giggles, “we did really well, didn’t we… and everyone is still in one piece… oh, crap! Keldy!”

She's just bound to forget to remember someone!!! :D

“I am fine, young Imoen,” Keldorn says, coming towards us, having received the necessary healing from Jaheira, “I must apologize for not being able to help more in the fight.”

“Nonsense, Keldorn,” I reply, “Such unlucky break could have happened to any of us.”

The man fallth before the pride??

“You’re wrong there, Theodur,” Viconia mocks, “It only happens to a fool who likes to can himself in such a heavy suit of armor, that he can’t avoid a single swing. Jaheira, you and I, we had no trouble in sidestepping the dragon’s attacks.”

Viconia getting in a few plugs now!!

“Well, Drow… for once, had I not been wearing this full plate, I would have been a dead man now. And I am not as young to rely on my agility, anymore,” Keldorn retorts, “I would like to see you do better, once you reach my age.”

Don't try good knight... This is a sharped tongue drow!! :(

“Ha! I’m most likely already four times your age, paladin!” Viconia shouts, “Unlike you, I am not threatened by premature senility!” For some reason, Viconia’s words have an awkward effect on Imoen as she turns away and pretends to be looking elsewhere.

Tried to warn him... But sometimes a metal boot in the mouth works just as well...

“I think that’s about enough, Viconia,” I interrupt, before the situation gets out of the hand again, “we should start looking for that artifact… err, where is Edwin?”


“Edwin? What are you doing there?” Jaheira is the first to notice the wizard as he has crouched down to the ground and is looking intently at something in front of him.

“Have you found the dragon’s hoard, Eddie? Lemme see, too…” Imoen clamours as we all head over to see what Edwin has discovered, but he rises from the ground wearing a strained expression on his face, trying to look rather indifferent.

Someone has found the goodies... :roll:

“Well?” I ask him meaningfully and he hands a fancy looking golden goblet over to me, which I then place in my pack.

“That’s all?” Nalia asks sounding disappointed.

“Edwin… you know that in adventuring parties, it is assumed for the party to share the spoils equally,” Jaheira points out, looking at him suspiciously and unwillingly Edwin drags out a sack of gems from his robes and hands it over to the smiling druidess.

“Fine, but only because I have witnessed your… unique skills of handling the merchants, druid, and I trust that you will get us a good deal or else…” I am quite shocked to hear Edwin actually admitting that someone is better than him at least in something…

What?? :twisted: Eddie :P

“And I still insist that I have the largest share of the treasure, especially considering that it was I who slew the dragon” he adds, looking at me meaningfully.

Ah- quick with the comeback!!

“A suit of armor, Eddie?” I ignore his boasts and instead turn my attention towards the deep green chain mail, lying on the ground behind Edwin’s back.

“Ah, I’m glad you noticed,” Edwin’s face lights up in a smile, “this is a truly wonderful item, the elven chainmail of the highest quality – it is strongly enchanted to provide remarkable protection against physical blows, yet is so very light that it does not hinder the wearer from using magic or the rogue’s stealth.”

“Of course, I would be the one most worthy to wear it, but I will never consider giving up my precious red robes for even the most exquisitely made armor,” Edwin adds.

Somehow I think he wants the money for it!!

“I suppose then it’s a toss between Nalia and Immy… who of you two wants it?” I ask.

“Oh, I don’t know… I’ve never worn armor… I don’t know if I can get used to it…” Nalia hesitates.

“Sure, I’ll take it!” Imoen gladly accepts it, “I’ve worn leather armors for most of my adventurer’s career… this one is even lighter than some of them, wow! WOW! Come, Vic, you’ll help me to change, let’s go behind those trees…” the overexcited girl drags the reluctant drow off and out of our sight.

“Which brings me to another point,” Edwin starts and we turn our attention back to him, “I know a very gifted dwarven blacksmith in Athkatla, by the name of Cromwell.”

“Cromwell? Oh… I know him too,” Jaheira interrupts him, “he actually was a contact for the Harpers and used to forge many magical items for them. I… I don’t know… ah, to hells, I am not a Harper anymore – well, there was this rumour that he is one of those few people who can actually forge the original Harper pins…”

“You’ve met with him in Athkatla, when you visited before?” I ask her and she nods in confirmation.

“Yes, a fascinating story, druid… now, where was I… ah, yes!” Edwin seems to be a bit lost, but he recovers quickly, “well, this Cromwell has a house in the Docks district of Athkatla, nearby the… ah, a certain guildhouse of a very certain thieves guild with which I had some very certain relationships, until a group of chimps showed up to spoil my plans! Bah! Regardless, on occasions I had a few talks with this Cromwell character and he supplied me with rather interesting information.”

“Such as?” Jaheira quirks her eyebrow.

“Such as what components are necessary to forge powerful magical items, druid,” Edwin explains, “and the scales of a slain dragon are amongst those components, used to produce armor of the highest quality, far superior than anything we currently have.”

“That’s good to know, Eddie,” I smile, “if we ever return to Athkatla, we will show all that junk that is stuffed in our backpacks, maybe he can do something with it…”

“Don’t you realize simian? Look here and see - that is a dead dragon. These are scales of a dead dragon. I know of a blacksmith… surely, even your deranged brain can see a pattern emerging (though I feel that I am clearly expecting too much…)” Edwin is getting impatient.

“Oh, I understand, Edwin… how smart of you. Well, here you go,” I chuckle and hand him a dagger.

“I have no need of that, fool,” he swats my hand aside, “why are you handing me this?”

“Well, Eddie… it is your loot, after all… so you have the honour to skin the dragon,” I chuckle, “and after that you will be the one to carry those heavy scales around and all the way back to Athkatla.”

That gatta hurt... :)

“Eh… what? I am not doing something so barbaric as getting my hands dirty with the blood of that lizard,” Edwin is shocked, “and come to think of it, no one of you is worthy to wear an armor of such quality…”

“All right, you had your fun, now let us get back to more serious issues,” Jaheira interrupts, still chuckling and earning an angry glare from Edwin, “I suggest that we make use of this now peaceful place and have some rest… Viconia and I need to pray for our spells and I believe that our wizards all need to rest, in order to regain their spells. And Keldorn needs time to recover from-”

“I assure you that I am perfectly fine, Jaheira,” Keldorn scowls a bit, “and I would insist that we press on with all haste as more and more elves are dying each moment, but I also realize that it might be dangerous if we were to continue badly prepared.”

“Are you sure that we are safe here, Jaheira?” Nalia asks, “I’m not really comfortable with this dead dragon and all…”

“It is not necessary to set the camp directly beside the dragon, Nalia,” Jaheira explains, “and yes, this place will be safe – all creatures, even those of evil intent, have been scared away by the dragon’s presence.”

“That’s convincing reasoning in my book,” I smile at my love, “let us set our camp here and have some precious hours of peace and relaxation…”

Love this ending...


#9 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 30 November 2003 - 07:53 AM

[quote][quote]Hi, folks! As I feared, my characters became very talkative all of a sudden (esp. Edwin :wink:) and consequently we did not make any plot advancement, as this episode is full of *friendly* bickering :P[/quote]

Yes, but sometime these types of pieces are well liked... Like this one. :P

Thanks! :P

[quote]“Ha! Watch and learn, you simians! Yet another dragon falls before the might of Edwin Odesseiron’s magic!” Edwin boasts proudly. [/quote]

Somehow I knew this type of line belonged here. :)

It fits Edwin well...

[quote]“Yet another one, dear Edwin? I am afraid that those stuffed plush toys you strangled to death in your childhood, do not count,” Jaheira adds, laughing. [/quote]

The very begining... Some of these cut slash awfully deep :twisted:

They know each other well...

[quote]“Really, Edwin… that poor beast was already dead when your spell went off…” I object, annoyed at Edwin’s attempts to steal all the glory for himself.[/quote]

Now Theo is getting into the act...

Sure, why not!

[quote]“Ah, that spell stopped the flow of time?” Nalia asks, “but Edwin… um, you read the only scroll we had and you didn’t scribe it into your spellbook prior to that…”[/quote]

Uh-Oh :twisted: [/quote]


[quote]Edwin stands dumbstruck and as he looks at the young mage and the realization slowly sinks in his brain, his eyes are growing wider and wider… and then we are forced to plug our ears as the curses that stream from his mouth are effective enough to make even seasoned adventurers like us to blush heavily… [/quote]



[quote]“Are you quite done, Edwin?” Jaheira yells at him, as the wizard still can’t calm down, but soon he is out of his breath and sits down on a tree stump to sulk for a while.[/quote]

She's become a natural at this... Or is Eddie just leaving himself open... :(

Jaheira has sharp wits and a mean tongue to go with... :twisted:

[quote]“Where are you, Vic?” Imoen asks worriedly, “Oh, no! Don’t tell me that you are… inside that dragon?” [/quote]

That's one for Immy...

Hehe... was she supposed to keep quiet? :wink:

[quote]“No, I am fine,” Viconia snorts, “had I been hurt, I know of a certain somebody, who would be begging for mercy right about now. What are you standing about; get me out of here this very instant!” [/quote]

Edwin is going to hear about this...


[quote]“Aw, Vic, I was so scared about you… but you sure showed that lizard, heh,” Imoen giggles, “we did really well, didn’t we… and everyone is still in one piece… oh, crap! Keldy!” [/quote]

She's just bound to forget to remember someone!!! :?

Keldy's not that important... :)

[quote]“I am fine, young Imoen,” Keldorn says, coming towards us, having received the necessary healing from Jaheira, “I must apologize for not being able to help more in the fight.”

“Nonsense, Keldorn,” I reply, “Such unlucky break could have happened to any of us.” [/quote]

The man fallth before the pride??

Something like that...

[quote]“You’re wrong there, Theodur,” Viconia mocks, “It only happens to a fool who likes to can himself in such a heavy suit of armor, that he can’t avoid a single swing. Jaheira, you and I, we had no trouble in sidestepping the dragon’s attacks.”[/quote]

Viconia getting in a few plugs now!!

Everybody's having some fun! :P

[quote]“Well, Drow… for once, had I not been wearing this full plate, I would have been a dead man now. And I am not as young to rely on my agility, anymore,” Keldorn retorts, “I would like to see you do better, once you reach my age.”[/quote]

Don't try good knight... This is a sharped tongue drow!! 8)

Keldy's facing an uphill struggle...

[quote]“Ha! I’m most likely already four times your age, paladin!” Viconia shouts, “Unlike you, I am not threatened by premature senility!” For some reason, Viconia’s words have an awkward effect on Imoen as she turns away and pretends to be looking elsewhere.[/quote]

Tried to warn him... But sometimes a metal boot in the mouth works just as well...

Oh, that's bound to hurt, though!

[quote]“I think that’s about enough, Viconia,” I interrupt, before the situation gets out of the hand again, “we should start looking for that artifact… err, where is Edwin?” [/quote]



“Have you found the dragon’s hoard, Eddie? Lemme see, too…” Imoen clamours as we all head over to see what Edwin has discovered, but he rises from the ground wearing a strained expression on his face, trying to look rather indifferent. [/quote]

Someone has found the goodies... :D

Mmmmmhhh... :D

[quote]“Fine, but only because I have witnessed your… unique skills of handling the merchants, druid, and I trust that you will get us a good deal or else…” I am quite shocked to hear Edwin actually admitting that someone is better than him at least in something…[/quote]

What?? :twisted: Eddie :?

Never let Eddie to haggle with a merchant... he'll end up incinerating someone... which is kind of a way to get the item you wanted, but...

[quote]“And I still insist that I have the largest share of the treasure, especially considering that it was I who slew the dragon” he adds, looking at me meaningfully. [/quote]

Ah- quick with the comeback!!


[quote]“Of course, I would be the one most worthy to wear it, but I will never consider giving up my precious red robes for even the most exquisitely made armor,” Edwin adds. [/quote]

Somehow I think he wants the money for it!!

Could be...

[quote]“Well, Eddie… it is your loot, after all… so you have the honour to skin the dragon,” I chuckle, “and after that you will be the one to carry those heavy scales around and all the way back to Athkatla.”[/quote]

That gatta hurt... :)

Eddie just left himself wide open for that one... :P

[quote]“That’s convincing reasoning in my book,” I smile at my love, “let us set our camp here and have some precious hours of peace and relaxation…”[/quote]

Love this ending...

One resting pause coming up. :)


Thanks for commenting! :)

#10 Laufey

Posted 30 November 2003 - 08:21 AM

“Pah! You know nothing of what you speak, druid! If not for my magic, you and your lover boy would have taken a very long dirt nap!” Edwin snarls, “From this day, my name shall be known as Edwin the Dragonslayer Odesseiron!”

How intimidating. :wink:

“Ah, that spell stopped the flow of time?” Nalia asks, “but Edwin… um, you read the only scroll we had and you didn’t scribe it into your spellbook prior to that…”

Edwin stands dumbstruck and as he looks at the young mage and the realization slowly sinks in his brain, his eyes are growing wider and wider… and then we are forced to plug our ears as the curses that stream from his mouth are effective enough to make even seasoned adventurers like us to blush heavily…

Vadrak Dekaras: Really now, Edwin. Cursing afterwards is a very poor substitute for thinking ahead.

“Are you quite done, Edwin?” Jaheira yells at him, as the wizard still can’t calm down, but soon he is out of his breath and sits down on a tree stump to sulk for a while.

Awwww... :twisted:

“Well, Drow… for once, had I not been wearing this full plate, I would have been a dead man now. And I am not as young to rely on my agility, anymore,” Keldorn retorts, “I would like to see you do better, once you reach my age.”

“Ha! I’m most likely already four times your age, paladin!” Viconia shouts, “Unlike you, I am not threatened by premature senility!” For some reason, Viconia’s words have an awkward effect on Imoen as she turns away and pretends to be looking elsewhere.

Poor Imoen...I guess that reminded her that Vic is likely to outlive her. :twisted:

“Have you found the dragon’s hoard, Eddie? Lemme see, too…” Imoen clamours as we all head over to see what Edwin has discovered, but he rises from the ground wearing a strained expression on his face, trying to look rather indifferent.

He's *such* a poor liar. :twisted:

“Fine, but only because I have witnessed your… unique skills of handling the merchants, druid, and I trust that you will get us a good deal or else…” I am quite shocked to hear Edwin actually admitting that someone is better than him at least in something…

Whoa! :twisted:

“Sure, I’ll take it!” Imoen gladly accepts it, “I’ve worn leather armors for most of my adventurer’s career… this one is even lighter than some of them, wow! WOW! Come, Vic, you’ll help me to change, let’s go behind those trees…” the overexcited girl drags the reluctant drow off and out of our sight.

And it's a very nice one...I tend to give it to Immy myself.

“Well, Eddie… it is your loot, after all… so you have the honour to skin the dragon,” I chuckle, “and after that you will be the one to carry those heavy scales around and all the way back to Athkatla.”

“Eh… what? I am not doing something so barbaric as getting my hands dirty with the blood of that lizard,” Edwin is shocked, “and come to think of it, no one of you is worthy to wear an armor of such quality…”

Rogues do it from behind.

#11 Guest_Theodur_*

Posted 30 November 2003 - 08:36 AM

“Pah! You know nothing of what you speak, druid! If not for my magic, you and your lover boy would have taken a very long dirt nap!” Edwin snarls, “From this day, my name shall be known as Edwin the Dragonslayer Odesseiron!”

How intimidating. :(

Yep, everyone will be terrified from hearing the name alone :wink:

“Ah, that spell stopped the flow of time?” Nalia asks, “but Edwin… um, you read the only scroll we had and you didn’t scribe it into your spellbook prior to that…”

Edwin stands dumbstruck and as he looks at the young mage and the realization slowly sinks in his brain, his eyes are growing wider and wider… and then we are forced to plug our ears as the curses that stream from his mouth are effective enough to make even seasoned adventurers like us to blush heavily…

Vadrak Dekaras: Really now, Edwin. Cursing afterwards is a very poor substitute for thinking ahead.

Well, he wanted to be the one to kill the dragon, so there was no option than to waste the scroll... oh, we'll get him a new one, anyways.

“Are you quite done, Edwin?” Jaheira yells at him, as the wizard still can’t calm down, but soon he is out of his breath and sits down on a tree stump to sulk for a while.

Awwww... :twisted:

Yes, very cute, I know. :D

“Ha! I’m most likely already four times your age, paladin!” Viconia shouts, “Unlike you, I am not threatened by premature senility!” For some reason, Viconia’s words have an awkward effect on Imoen as she turns away and pretends to be looking elsewhere.

Poor Imoen...I guess that reminded her that Vic is likely to outlive her. :)

Afraid so. I'm very sceptical about the human-elf relationship in terms of longevity. :)

“Have you found the dragon’s hoard, Eddie? Lemme see, too…” Imoen clamours as we all head over to see what Edwin has discovered, but he rises from the ground wearing a strained expression on his face, trying to look rather indifferent.

He's *such* a poor liar. :wink:

Very, very poor... :twisted:

“Fine, but only because I have witnessed your… unique skills of handling the merchants, druid, and I trust that you will get us a good deal or else…” I am quite shocked to hear Edwin actually admitting that someone is better than him at least in something…

Whoa! :twisted:

Well, if it gets them more gold... I'm sure that Edwin could also compliment her... nah, he probably won't... :twisted:

“Sure, I’ll take it!” Imoen gladly accepts it, “I’ve worn leather armors for most of my adventurer’s career… this one is even lighter than some of them, wow! WOW! Come, Vic, you’ll help me to change, let’s go behind those trees…” the overexcited girl drags the reluctant drow off and out of our sight.

And it's a very nice one...I tend to give it to Immy myself.

Yep, love that armor. :roll: Now, it will look especially nice on my pink-less Immy.

“Eh… what? I am not doing something so barbaric as getting my hands dirty with the blood of that lizard,” Edwin is shocked, “and come to think of it, no one of you is worthy to wear an armor of such quality…”


Poor Edwin... :P

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