Adrian: Baldur's Gate

Chapter 57.

The two dwarves sat together, talking long on their own tounge, while the hollow-eyed human approached Adrian.

"Ye talked to Rill up above, I'm thinking."

"We did," Coran agreed.

"Well need 500 gold to bribe the guard captain to look the other way while we escape."

Adrain hissed through his teeth in frustration, but said "It's a good investment." He handed it over. "Now get out of here."

The hollow-eyed man bolted.

"Gods," said Kagain, leaning back. "I heard of the Drowning of the Orothiar, but never knew it happened here."

Yeslick looked at him oddly. "Where ye from, lad?"

"I'm no lad," grunted Kagain. "I left the clans of the Cloudpeak Mountains at an early age...and only keep contact with one of my kin, who left around the same time I did, and he went south, into Amn."

Yeslick eyed Kagain warily. Dwarves left home to adventure sometimes, it was true, but it sounded as though this one had left for more criminal reasons. And eyeing Adrian and his party, particulrly Viconia, he had a sinking feeling that these were not adventurers as such. Still, they looked to be opposed to the Throne, and for the moment, that was enough.

"The Drowning of the Orothiar?" Adrian pressed.

"That river plug," said Yeslick. "The Throne put it there, after they drained the mines. The mines Reiltar conned me into finding for him, before he left me to rot. Our clan accidentally tapped into the river while expanding our home, years and years ago. I was one of a handful of survivors."

"Has become a dark legend among our people," said Kagain. "Reiltar is the regional leader of this Throne, it seems."

"This Reiltar," said Adrian slowly. "Does he wear golden armor, and have strange eyes?"

"Nay, but one of his lieutenants did. Foster son, I think. Didn't catch the name. Only met him the once, but you don't forget a face like that."

Adrian's eyes blazed, he hissed through his teeth and punched a fist in the air. Yeslick drew back from him a little.

"You've done me a service, Yeslick. I shall not forget."

"Ye can repay me right now, by takin me with ya."

"The party's rather large as it is."

"Not far, not far," Yeslick assured him. "Only till we've finished the mines, drowned em again once and fer all, as young Kagain here's been tellin me yer gonna do. I just wanna get out, leave this place behind me forever more."

Adrian nodded. "Aye, that's reasonable."

Yeslick smashed open the other cells around them, letting out the straggling weak prisoners. They shambled out, taking the route the hollow eyed man had, the route Adrian himself had come by.

"Viconia, Yeslick, Edwin, Xzar." said Adrian. "Confrence. Yeslick, tell me everything you know about this place...."

* * *

Safana and Edwin, one slinking through shadows, the other invisible, made it back up to that side door into the main room. The rest of the party crowded at the edge of the cells, ready to strike.

Yeslick had cast a spell and created a Spiritual Hammer in his hand, such armor would be all he'd need.

The main bulk of the party charged out of the prison, attracting the attention of the archers, warriors, and mage. As they did, Safana opened the door, and she and Edwin snuck into the room, past a small kitchen and it's bored cook.

The mage had begun to cast her first spell, when Safana stabbed her in the back. Seconds later, she turned to bolt, and Edwin's fireball roared past her, and detonated. Safana tumbled through the hallway just ahead of the flames.

"Watch your aim, dolt!" she hissed at Edwin.

"Shut up, monkey."

But the damage had been done, the mage was dead, and several archers with her. The rest of the party smashed down the survivors in seconds, Yeslick getting in the last blow.

* * *

They decided to camp there and restore their powers. Yeslick took armor from one of the Throne warriors, but disdained their swords, taking a meat tenderizing hammer from the kitchen instead. The cook, startled, joined the general exodus of the slaves.

As he returned, Yeslick eyed Viconia. "I do not trust ye, Drow."

"Trust is not required, old one," she answered. "We shall part company soon enough."

"How can ye travel with such company?" Yeslick pressed Kagain. "Or you, Elf?" he added to Coran.

"I go where adventure takes me," Coran shrugged.

"And I go where the gold grows," said Kagain. "If ye had as well, ye'd not be trapped here now, needing our help."

Yeslick said nothing, but frowned, and stared into the distance.

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Last modified on May 16, 2002
Copyright © 2002-2005 by Jay McIntyre. All rights reserved.