Adrian: Baldur's Gate

Chapter 34.

The journey to the Bandit Camp wasn't all that long, but they followed a twisted, complicated route that made a half-hour journey turn into four hours of long, grueling march. It was, Adrian knew, partly to protect the location of the camp, but mostly so Raiken, the bandit, could test their endurance. Needless to say, they all passed. Xzar, the least fit of the group, still easily managed to keep up.

Eventually they came to the camp, an unimpressive collection of tents at the northern edge of Peldvale, within easy striking distance of the Coast Way, surprisingly close to the city of Baldur's Gate itself. Adrian could see it's tallest towers as faint blue silhouettes above the trees in the distance.

When asked about it, Raiken laughed. "Yeah, Flamin' Fist pansies never think to look for us here."

But his superior was not so amused. As they entered the camp proper, a loud booming voice greeted them from a tall, brutal Ogre. Not a typical representative of his species, he was taller, tougher, and smarter.

"I am Tazok! Who are you?!? Raiken you fool, do ye not know enough to recruit from those you rob?"

Raiken flinched back. "We need ta keep our numbers up! Ye said that yerself!"

"Hmm! We'll see. I ask them questions, and if I don't like their answers, they die, and you with them!"

Raiken paled.

"You!" Tazok boomed at Adrian. "I say your group is small and weak! Tell me why I should spare your miserable hides? We've enough help here!"

Adrian tensed but did not strike. He knew they were more than strong enough to take out this overgrown imbecile, but then the entire camp would come down on them.

"Would you rather have too few and fail," he asked calmly enough, "Or too many and not need them all?"

Tazok looked at him for a long moment. "Hmmm. You stay here, and follow Ten Hammer's orders. I leave for our mine tonight in Cloakwood. Cause no trouble. Ten Hammer will have work for you tomorrow!" He stomped off.

"Lucky bastard. Lucky, lucky bastard," said Raiken, and marched, a little shakily, into the camp.

"Well done, Adrian," said Edwin.

"Brilliantly devious, my dear," Safana agreed.

"What now?" Kagain asked.

"Now we scout out the camp, and then rest for the night. Once we've scouted out the place's weaknesses..." Adrian said, grinning....

Viconia finished for him. "We can destroy it."

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Last modified on March 6, 2002
Copyright © 2002-2005 by Jay McIntyre. All rights reserved.