Adrian: Baldur's Gate

Chapter 136.

Imoen led Khalid and Jaheira into the dark, overarching chamber.

"I still don't understand why you agreed to this," Jaheria hissed.

"Because we need them willing to cooperate," Imoen. "And for that we have to make a gesture of good faith."

"They don't know anything about good faith," Jaheria whispered.

Imoen turned and looked at her. While her eyes did not glow like Sarevok's, Jaheria could nevertheless see her eyes clearly in the darkness, even without magelight or torches. She shivered.

"I thought you were a druid, Jaheira," Imoen said, wearily. "I thought you beleived in the Balance. Aren't we addressing the balance by doing this?"

"That's not why *you're* doing it," said Jaheira.

"No," Imoen agreed. "I'm doing it because now that Sarevok's made his move, we need all the help we can get."

"P-please, Jaheira," said Khalid. "We n-need to do this. B-baldur's Gate may n-not survive if we don't."

"Quite so," a dry voice agreed. Mage lights slowly came up, revealing the arched upper floor of Sorcerous Sundries. Before them, on the raised platform, stood Wheber Ott, Kirya, and Besheridan.

"Harpers working with Zhentarim, who'd ever thought," said Besheridan, not smiling.

"Common causes are powerful motivators," said Imoen.

"Like survival," said Kirya.

"Y-yes," agreed Khalid.

"So...." said Wheber. "You are Adrian's sister."

Imoen just nodded.

"And what does the Harpers' pet Bhaalspawn want with us?" Kirya sneered.

Imoen cocked her head and looked at Kirya, and gave her the trademark sweet-and-innocent smile that Adrian knew so well. But the smile was not reflected in her eyes, and Kirya could see the heavy sadness there.

"I am not anyone's pet, anymore than Adrian is," she said quietly. "Now, do you wish to share information or not?"

"S-sarevok is gaining support in the city," said Khalid. "D-duke Eltan lies abed, dying by inches. S-scar is gone. W-will you be next?"

"Will you?" Besheridan countered.

But it was Wheber who answered. "It will be all of us, soon or late." He stepped forward and reached out a hand. Imoen shook it.

Jaheira drew a deep breath. "Where is Adrian now?"

"We are unsure," said Wheber. "We know that he escaped Candlekeep; Xzar is still sending us regular reports. They have not yet attempted to return to the city, but I expect them to do so soon. We will have to enable the party to get into the city. Fortunately we will have additional help in this."

"From who?" asked Imoen.

"He contacted us two days ago," said Besheridan. "Apparently Adrian travelled with him for a while, when he dissapeared from the city, you remember? Xzar's reports from that time confirm his account."

"And who is this person?" said Jaheria.

"That would be me," said a new voice. Harper and Zhentarim alike turned to see the pirate Zavrian mounting the stairs. "Adrian be a good ally to me. Least I can do is return the favor." He turned to Imoen. "Ye his sister, did I hear right?"

"Yes," said Imoen.

"Then let's be helpin her brother then. But I want to know everything. What's this about Bhaalspawn?"

Imoen sighed. This would take some explaining.

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Last modified on September 23, 2003
Copyright © 2002-2005 by Jay McIntyre. All rights reserved.